Originally posted by TerpEagle
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Jerruh forcing all cowboys to stand for national anthem
See, was that so difficult?
All you had to do was to repeat the idiot talking points with which you've been indoctrinated
So, you a cop? Or were a cop? Or knows a cop? You sound as though you're trying very hard to defend the police.
But I doubt you ever wore the uniform, and certainly never saw combat. If so, you would know that the reason we do fight is so people back home can be free to have their views known; to protest if they so desire. That is what America is; that is everything America stands for. I welcome the NFL players' protest. They have a legitimate concern and for better or worse they have brought this severe problem out into the light. I salute them.
For you? I'll give you my "thoughts and prayers""It's not getting any smarter out there. You have to come to terms with stupidity, and make it work for you."
Originally posted by rdog5 View PostAnd as the owner of the Cowturds he can set the rule and they can challenge the rule and he can respond as he wants within the guidelines of labor law as well as any contract stipulations and/or collective bargaining rules. When making generalizations it can be easily compared to employee/employer relations in the private sector. The question is to what level he would hurt his on field product to enforce this rule.--
Your Retarded
Originally posted by TerpEagle View PostDemonstrating during the national anthem is a peaceful way for citizens to speak out against an injustice that they see. You are deciding that it means something else. You're not being forced to demonstrate. You're not being forced to even agree with the perceived injustice. The demonstrations aren't about you unless you are part of the injustice.
Malcolm Jenkins and company have attempted to reduce the finger pointing and to move toward a real understanding of the issues, and they have worked (hand in hand with Lurie, the NFL, and the government) to address the issues and deal with them. I believe Jenkins has said that he will not demonstrate this year, because he's made his point known, and he has gotten the ball rolling toward what he believes are valuable improvements in the justice system. Again, this is with full support of team ownership and management. No stupid rules and punishments necessary. Mutual respect and grown-up behavior is apparently something that Jerry's Boys don't abide...so fuck them.
Junior crypt keeper alluding to any kneelers will be cut. Hope Elliot and some of the upper tier players put him in that position. This is gonna end badly. Or at least should if any of those players have a ball sack. Owners handled this about as poorly as possible in marxh.
Last edited by Ellsworth; 07-27-2018, 08:35 AM.
While your point about the employer/employee relationship is understood, the precise problem with Jerruh's policy is that it's a possible violation of the players' rights according to the new anthem policy. That policy clearly states that players can choose to stay in the locker room. An owner can decide whether or not he'll bear the fines for a player demonstrating on the field, but he can't deny a player the right to stay in the locker room. And that policy is on shaky ground anyway, as the players' union was not consulted prior to its implementation.
This whole issue is an example of why I'm proud to have an owner like Lurie instead of Jerruh. It's a combination of the fact that the anthem hasn't become an issue with this team because the players have good faith in Lurie to let them take a stance on social issues, and that our owner doesn't feel a need to cave to the president in his use of the NFL as a political tool.
Originally posted by art vandelay View PostWhile your point about the employer/employee relationship is understood, the precise problem with Jerruh's policy is that it's a possible violation of the players' rights according to the new anthem policy. That policy clearly states that players can choose to stay in the locker room. An owner can decide whether or not he'll bear the fines for a player demonstrating on the field, but he can't deny a player the right to stay in the locker room. And that policy is on shaky ground anyway, as the players' union was not consulted prior to its implementation.
This whole issue is an example of why I'm proud to have an owner like Lurie instead of Jerruh. It's a combination of the fact that the anthem hasn't become an issue with this team because the players have good faith in Lurie to let them take a stance on social issues, and that our owner doesn't feel a need to cave to the president in his use of the NFL as a political tool.
Going deeper into the issue I would never sit for the National Anthem out of respect for those that served and respect to my country My personal belief and action and not requiring others to act or believe the same). This movement is about drawing attention to social injustices which some believe is a given but when looked into further and put into context the clear picture is more murky than one would initially believe. If the protest leaders want to make a real difference why do they stay silent when the message does not fit their cause. Acknowledging when the system works correctly does not diminish your cause. Stand up and be heard regardless of whether it furthers you own personal interests and then you can be called a true leader. Where are the social justice warriors when neighborhoods are being burned because a man who is not authorized to carry a firearm begins to pull it on an officer and subsequently pays the ultimate price at the hands of a justified shooting by an officer. If they choose to lead in these circumstances then maybe this country will begin to heal and come together.
i'd be surprised if any discussion took place besides "trump told me he's not backing down on this issue." and again, i find it troubling that this is the issue from which the president won't back down. jerry can't do anything about that, but the fact that he's willing to deal with the fallout from signing greg hardy, but not from letting guys stay in the locker room says a lot about him.
i wouldn't sit for the anthem either because i respect those who have served, but i think this is part of a deeper issue of the use of sports to promote the military, and vice versa. when the NFL does something like "salute to service," how much of the money they raise is really going to veterans? is this something like NFL's breast cancer month, which is supposed to be feel-good, but results in very little money actually going toward the promoted cause? or, even worse, is this the military using the NFL as a recruiting tool? it's a fact that the NFL has accepted taxpayer money from the military for pre-game displays and the like. john mccain, a veteran and POW, has spoken out against this. i know i'm not breaking any new ground here, but since 9/11 the use of sports to promote our flag and the military has been out of control. here's a longer article that goes deeper into all of this http://www.wbur.org/onlyagame/2018/0...store-francona
i think we'll make progress if people don't have to live in fear of being called "unpatriotic" or being accused of hating america or some other nonsense. i'd say we have guys on our team like jenkins and long who do acknowledge when the system works correctly. i guess some guys like kaepernick seem to be well-intentioned, but put their foot in their mouth at times, but i think the good work that they do outweighs the bad, and that we shouldn't have a climate in which "disrespecting the flag" results in becoming unemployable (though that's on the fans, not the owners).Last edited by art vandelay; 07-27-2018, 01:48 PM.
well yeah. but jerruh's customers are a good part of why i hate that franchise. and the fact that jerruh will call trump's interest in the anthem "problematic," then cave like this, is a good example of why i hate jerruh.
concerning the last part of my post, i do think that if the NFL took fewer opportunities to tie military and sports together at every turn, trump wouldn't be able to use the anthem to play to his customer. at least not as much.