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Biggest drawback to making it as far as they did...

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    I'll be the first to say it, I'm a Carson knob slobber and absolutely love the guy. Don't get me wrong, I love Nick too, but I'd be willing to eat my dad's shit out of a hat to see Wentz get back to what he was last year.

    That being said, piggybacking off McCarthy, Carson also had a weak OC and a rookie QB coach, replacing two stud coaches, as the main guys to help rehabilitate him throughout the season.

    It appeared to me that they tried to over-complicate the playbook for Wentz and expected him to run that offense like he did last year when he was coming off a serious injury, not that Groh/Foles had better chemistry than Groh/Wentz. I wouldn't be surprised if Carson had more success in the adjusted offense they ran with Foles.
    Larry and the Hipsters.


      You have a weak chin

      Originally posted by SOS Crunchy View Post
      Schwartz and even worse...Groh will be back
      Linehan is out in Dallas after a divisional title
      I'm not the hill you want to die on


        With Groh I think the Impact is less

        because of the whole Dougie calling the Plays,,,ect..but we saw what having FR did for the offense so we can get better there..

        Shwartz can't call a game with a lead to save his life...No blitzes to get a man free....... on 4th-19,,,come on!!!!!!!

        We can upgrade here.... I say don't shut the door on the prospect that the Eagles may yet decide to move on from Someone.


          What's weak here is your contention that Jerruh's move proves teams with shitty records aren't more likely to shitcan coaches.
          Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


            I object!

            Point was minor success doesn’t guarantee your job.

            See Schottenheimer after going 14-2
            See Mularkey last year
            See the Raptors coach last year for a paralllel
            I'm not the hill you want to die on


              Overruled ... it's beside the point of the original post.
              Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


                It’s not. He’s upset that Groh, who doesn’t even call plays and Schwartz whom held Brees to 20 at home with patchwork will retain their positions.

                I pointed out that just this year that isn’t true. You tried to twist my words in lawyer mode that I said “more likely” which isn’t true either.

                Keep sharpening those skills on here, though! I know that UD undergrad doesn’t need practice though you’re fine there
                I'm not the hill you want to die on


                  Ok Justice Kavanaugh ... your tired alpha "weak chin" comment meant what?
                  Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


                    That he has a weak chin, safety police
                    I'm not the hill you want to die on


                      Right ... I guess sucking Groh and Schwantz's collective dicks strengthens the jaw.
                      Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


                        Definitely not doing that. Go watch the Gillette commercial you’ll feel better esquire
                        I'm not the hill you want to die on


                          Come on ... I hit you with a Shelter-Battle-Leave-It-To-Beaver line and that's your comeback?

                          That's weaker than your original post.
                          Last edited by slag; 01-19-2019, 01:57 PM.
                          Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


                            My chins rock hard, considering the amount of times Wentz' steel balls have been in my face.
                            Larry and the Hipsters.

