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Dear NSA...Fuck You

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    OK smart ass, let me challenge you on this one

    If you don't care about your privacy - then your next post needs to include your real name, address and phone number. We'd also like a recent photo of yourself, a copy of your last W-2, the results of your prostate exam and access to your hard drive.

    Keeping in mind that the last time somebody from igglephans tried to meet you in SoCal you disappeared rather than show your face in public

    Short of that you should probably stfu and move on to something you do care about


      Originally posted by PackWest View Post
      OK smart ass, let me challenge you on this one

      If you don't care about your privacy - then your next post needs to include your real name, address and phone number. We'd also like a recent photo of yourself, a copy of your last W-2, the results of your prostate exam and access to your hard drive.

      Keeping in mind that the last time somebody from igglephans tried to meet you in SoCal you disappeared rather than show your face in public

      Short of that you should probably stfu and move on to something you do care about
      I was gonna issue the same challenge PW. Give me his name and social. His life is so boring, I promise not to do anything.
      500 internet fights, that's the number I figured when I first joined igglephans. 500 internet fights and you could consider yourself a legitimate internet-tough guy. You need them for experience, to develop leather skin. So I got started. Of course along the way you stop thinking about being tough and all that. It stops being the point. You get past the silliness of it all. But realize that's what you are.


        Originally posted by PackWest View Post
        OK smart ass, let me challenge you on this one

        If you don't care about your privacy - then your next post needs to include your real name, address and phone number. We'd also like a recent photo of yourself, a copy of your last W-2, the results of your prostate exam and access to your hard drive.

        Keeping in mind that the last time somebody from igglephans tried to meet you in SoCal you disappeared rather than show your face in public

        Short of that you should probably stfu and move on to something you do care about
        I don't care if the FBI or NSA monitors me. I do care if some of the mouth breathers on here try to contact me. Back in the early aughts, one of this group threatened me enough in a series of private email that scared the shit out of me. Real creepy stuff.

        Two prominent board members are facebook friends. The reason I came back posting here is both of them encouraged me for a long time.

        re: meeting someone here in socal, the only person that happened with was IG. And he contacted me with under 24 hours notice to meet him somewhere. I think it was late morning to meet that night if memory serves. I might be a boring person but my schedule isn't so empty where I can just show up at a moments notice. He owned up to it. But generally, no. I have no interest in meeting any of you except three or four, maybe five. And they're the only reason I'm still here.

        I haven't been to New York now in over a decade. But the next time I am, I will contact IE. Not sure if we'll meet up but I'll try.

        Lastly. I think you guys take me more seriously than I do. I'm a horrible writer. Can't write pithy Loki isms. Can't express thoughts that deserve explanation into catchy one-liners that some on here can. Don't have the gift.

        And I really don't know where you come in on this. You've never been an attacker until recently. Unless you have multiple handles which I suppose is possible.
        Last edited by The Ref; 06-06-2013, 07:27 PM.


          I'm more worried about the Chinese than the NSA.
          John Erlichman, one of President Richard Nixon's closest aides, has admitted America's "War on Drugs" was a hoax designed to vilify and disrupt "the antiwar left and black people" when it was launched in 1971.


            Originally posted by Loki View Post
            I'm more worried about the Chinese than the NSA.
            See! Like this. Perfectly stated in less than 10 words.


              You do care

              Originally posted by The Ref View Post
              I don't care if the FBI or NSA monitors me. I do care if some of the mouth breathers on here try to contact me. Back in the early aughts, one of this group threatened me enough in a series of private email that scared the shit out of me. Real creepy stuff.

              You've never been an attacker until recently.
              Listen, you're wrong on this one and your own words should be enough to convince you. The NSA, the FBI , your credit card company, Igglephans- none of them can guarantee you the security of the info they collect. The military has breaches, the CIA has breaches, your club card at Vons has breaches

              And that's the point of not letting them collect it in the first place and that's why some of us are so concerned about it

              Its not that the NSA is going to bust you for downloading midget porn- its that they can't control the info and your employer, your health insurance provider, your relatives, Igglephans or your church don't need to know this shit or have access to it

              That's why you won't post the info I requested- because you fear the unknown mouth breathers. Well its the same thing for us- we don't trust any number of nefarious organizations ( IRS) or mouthbreathers who will use it against us. Or worse. Somebody enters that data, somebody reads that data, somebody stores that data. Who is watching the watchers ?

              Privacy is a BFD and your apathetic attitude is a big part of letting them get away with it.

              Do you know what the citizens of Germany said in 1939 when they started rounding up Jews ?

              " I have nothing to hide and it doesn't bother me"

              That's what this is all about. Trivializing it and saying it don't bother you is just not true. Your own words and actions prove it.

              If you stop and think this through, you'll realize that this is opening Pandora's box for a group of people and a government that have proved 100 % unreliable and untrustworthy. That's BS and that's also Unconstitutional

              Onward we go


                Originally posted by PackWest View Post
                Listen, you're wrong on this one and your own words should be enough to convince you. The NSA, the FBI , your credit card company, Igglephans- none of them can guarantee you the security of the info they collect. The military has breaches, the CIA has breaches, your club card at Vons has breaches

                And that's the point of not letting them collect it in the first place and that's why some of us are so concerned about it

                Its not that the NSA is going to bust you for downloading midget porn- its that they can't control the info and your employer, your health insurance provider, your relatives, Igglephans or your church don't need to know this shit or have access to it

                That's why you won't post the info I requested- because you fear the unknown mouth breathers. Well its the same thing for us- we don't trust any number of nefarious organizations ( IRS) or mouthbreathers who will use it against us. Or worse. Somebody enters that data, somebody reads that data, somebody stores that data. Who is watching the watchers ?

                Privacy is a BFD and your apathetic attitude is a big part of letting them get away with it.

                Do you know what the citizens of Germany said in 1939 when they started rounding up Jews ?

                " I have nothing to hide and it doesn't bother me"

                That's what this is all about. Trivializing it and saying it don't bother you is just not true. Your own words and actions prove it.

                If you stop and think this through, you'll realize that this is opening Pandora's box for a group of people and a government that have proved 100 % unreliable and untrustworthy. That's BS and that's also Unconstitutional

                Onward we go
                Your fear of government agencies sounds like tin foil hat paranoia. It's bat shit crazy and delusional.

                What we do have to fear are crazy individual nutjobs and random acts of violence, not a government agency. We should also be concerned about private businesses like Google and Apple.

                But please. Do not play the hitler card. Jesus christ. That's not an intelligent argument.


                  True story

                  Many years ago when I had an office near Herald Square in NYC, I actually had a homeless guy come in off the street and tell me he wanted to sue the CIA because they were transmitting radio waves into his brain.

                  I asked him if he tried tin foil in his hat and he said it didn't work.

                  I tell you this with all seriousness, the person in this thread closest to that guy's ability to reason is you ... are Google and Apple bouncing radio waves off your head?
                  Last edited by slag; 06-07-2013, 08:26 AM. Reason: typo
                  Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


                    PS - thanks for answering my question regarding whether there is anything more annoying than watching women's tennis with the sound on.
                    Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


                      It's a rare day, but I'm with Ref on this one. There's more risk in my using a credit card at Costco than there is with this NSA situation.

                      1. They are not recording conversations, they are collecting Metadata.
                      2. If they want to know who I call and how long I stay on with the other party, they are welcome to my phone bills.
                      3. Like ref, my life is unexciting, so the government will ignore the data from my calls. I'm not making frequent calls to Afghanistan and the Sudan.
                      4. I do not own a gun, but if I did, I'd also have no issue with the government knowing I own one. If I don't intend to break the law, what do I have to hide?
                      Last edited by Bardy; 06-07-2013, 01:41 PM.


                        The issue is not limited in the way you describe.

                        Did you read this in the original post?

                        For roughly two years, the two Democrats have been stridently advising the public that the US government is relying on "secret legal interpretations" to claim surveillance powers so broad that the American public would be "stunned" to learn of the kind of domestic spying being conducted.

                        Followed by a statement that they are restricted in their ability to disclose all actions.
                        Last edited by slag; 06-07-2013, 02:30 PM.
                        Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


                          Well, seeing as how the disclosure of confidential/classified information runs rampant in the federal government, I wouldn't be as confident. Yes, this is simply examining call times/durations/etc... there's no legal distinction between the collection of that data and the monitoring of conversations.

                          The Costco comparison isn't really applicable. For one, you're volunteering your card number by swiping it through their card reader. Secondly, it's encrypted in transit and should never be presented to a cashier. Getting a warrant, without probable cause, to search through the records of a private company to see what their customers are up to is bullshit.
                          Last edited by Melchior; 06-07-2013, 02:21 PM.
                          "If I was racist in my opinion of QB's, I wouldn't have a dog named Donovan." - downundermike


                            Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat from liberal Northern California and the chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, assured the public earlier …

                            On March 8, 1971, a handful of activists broke into the FBI’s field office in Media, Penn., and made off with a stack of incriminating documents. Over...
                            "We choose to go to the moon."



                              Originally posted by Riccardo View Post
                              Pretty safe bet that ref was outraged about this from 2002 thru 2008...
                              is what I was thinking - nice work Ric


                                Gotta agree with Ref. I dont like it but everything we do electronically is being tracked somewhere. Not only by the government but by Google, Apple and anybody else with the ability who can make a buck off it. Fortunately you're one in a few hundred million so the odds you get fucked are extremely low.

                                Just dont use teabag nutjob for an ID and you should be okay.
                                Blue Chip College Football - Coach Your College to the National Championship

