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I think this guy who blew the whistle on the US snooping might be a Chinese agent.

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    Originally posted by The Duck View Post
    And the column to the right is "D +38" and "D -13".

    Mother Jones seemed to miss the big picture: that we've become a nation of party-worshipping sheep.
    I just think it's funny how it goes both ways. The graphic is amusing.

    This whole incident is such a perfect example of how so many people view issues upon party lines.

    Kinda like how Obamacare was an ok idea for republicans when plans along the same lines were being proposed by republicans.

    I also think Mother Jones would have loved to have broken these leaks if they had had the opportunity.
    "We choose to go to the moon."


      Originally posted by IronEagle View Post
      Kinda like how Obamacare was an ok idea for republicans when plans along the same lines were being proposed by republicans.
      Outside of Massachusetts, where republicans are outnumbered 2-to-1, nothing was actually proposed as legislation. The insurance mandate/existence tax concept was entertained in the think tanks by hacks like Gingrich, but was deemed to be politcally suicidal and scrapped.

      At least among voters on the right, there's been some consistency on that issue. This one, not so much.
      Last edited by The Duck; 06-11-2013, 11:48 PM.


        The federal govt cant pay these guys enough with their budgets, so outsource to a corp that has unlimited income and hope for the best. Well the hope just bit them in the ass. This has been a problem for the govt for decades, they cannot keep the best people because of financial restraints.
        On Trumps handicap

        “If Trump is a 2.8, Queen Elizabeth is a pole vaulter,” Reilly wrote


          Originally posted by The Ref View Post
          I'm somehow comforted that nearly 500,000 geeks (estimated by ABC news) who happen to be private citizens hired by security firms contracted by the NSA, have top-secret security clearance.
          I held, and still have a TS clearance. The only thing that means is that you haven't fucked up yet. So I wouldn't be too comforted by that criteria.

          I've dealt with these Booze Allen geeks in the Air Force. They will do what they are told. If it means mining data on conservatives, they will do it.


            Originally posted by noguano View Post
            I held, and still have a TS clearance. The only thing that means is that you haven't fucked up yet. So I wouldn't be too comforted by that criteria.

            I've dealt with these Booze Allen geeks in the Air Force. They will do what they are told. If it means mining data on conservatives, they will do it.
            It's all good as long as you support the party of the man in the President's office! Not so good when your party loses the election, I guess.

            P.S. Apparently Snowden didn't do what he was told.
            "We choose to go to the moon."


              If you have a TS clearance...

     shouldn't be announcing it anywhere and DEFINITELY not on some dumb message board. You know that.


                Originally posted by Two Gap Penetrator View Post
       shouldn't be announcing it anywhere and DEFINITELY not on some dumb message board. You know that.
                Why would you have a clearance after you are retired? Shouldn't they yank it? You don't need to know anything any more. I'm pretty sure my clearance ended when I quit my job with a govt. contractor.
                "We choose to go to the moon."


                  Your clearance is usually good for 7 years

                  After that, you are up for reinvestigation if you want your clearance to be current. If you aren't reinvestigated, you lose your clearance.


                    And of course if you retire......

                    You have to report that immediately and at that time they will probably pull your clearance (since you have no "need to know")


                      Originally posted by IronEagle View Post
                      Why would you have a clearance after you are retired? Shouldn't they yank it? You don't need to know anything any more. I'm pretty sure my clearance ended when I quit my job with a govt. contractor.
                      It was never yanked. If I decided to work in Gov or contracting again I would not have to be reinvestigated. A good selling point to potential employers. The process is long and tedious. It is current until my next reinvestigation which will only happen if I am employed in a field that requires one.


                        Originally posted by Two Gap Penetrator View Post
                        After that, you are up for reinvestigation if you want your clearance to be current. If you aren't reinvestigated, you lose your clearance.
                        You're right TGP. My reinvestigations were always every 5 years. I understand I probably shouldn't be posting this but I believe these issues are too important right now and need to be understood. It's not against the law to disclose this information.

                        If I was still employed with my TS I would never post it online. I'm retired and have no intention of getting back into Gov or contracting. I've got my Real Estate license and intend to pursue that field when the school year ends. The market is in the early stages of a recovery. I hope things keep getting better for myself, and our country.


                          And people wonder why I don't have a Cell Phone.

                          And my Isp is in Tibet!
                          "Never Look Back, Something May Be Gaining On You."

