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OT : FUCK the police

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    Originally posted by stjoebirdsfan View Post
    You've posted Gawker articles here quasi frequently. Heres how they covered the story:

    NYC's Simulated Toxic Gas Attack Begins Today

    This morning, the NYPD flooded the New York subway system with an odorless, invisible gas. The simulated terror attack is part of a three-day test that

    They used the words "toxic" and "attack" in their headline.
    They also used the word simulated. Why do people hate adjectives?

    But you're correct - Gawker uses provocative headlines. They follow up with articles/descriptions as well.
    Your Retarded


      Originally posted by slag View Post
      Yeah ... the reactionary response is to click your mouse and realize you've been duped.
      It's almost like his agenda is to mislead i.e. dupe! You said it yourself.
      Your Retarded


        Originally posted by TerpEagle View Post
        They also used the word simulated. Why do people hate adjectives?

        But you're correct - Gawker uses provocative headlines. They follow up with articles/descriptions as well.
        Also, the stock image of an empty subway car is nearly as foreboding as two guys in hazmat suits.
        Your Retarded


          Yeah ... to get you to look.

          I'm tired of this ... Drudge is vanilla ... it appears that you and others think it's the Right Wing National Inquirer and I simply don't see it.

          We will have to agree to disagree.
          Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


            Originally posted by slag View Post
            Yeah ... to get you to look.

            I'm tired of this ... Drudge is vanilla ... it appears that you and others think it's the Right Wing National Inquirer and I simply don't see it.

            We will have to agree to disagree.
            I don't lump it there to that degree. It has its 1996-web-style shtick and when I say incite, I don't mean trying to cause a civil war. Just rile people up. Obviously it works because, like Rush Limbaugh or other inciters, it has its lovers and its haters that drive his brand.

            Regardless, I don't think Drudge aims for you as a primary user because you're not a dope. But there are lots of dopes that don't get much further than a soundbite or a headline.
            Your Retarded


              Just for you, KG !!!

              Phansbore !!!!!!!
              The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is - Winston Churchill


                Originally posted by TerpEagle View Post
                The point is - it's willfully and unnecessarily ambiguous. I'd say more than right wing or left wing, Drudge's agenda is to incite. That type of headline incites people because it causes fear and/or a reactionary response with no actual evidence.
                I didn't think the headline was ambiguous. When I saw it I knew what it was. Drudge was giving NYers a heads up and also informing readers that this could happen, so be prepared.

