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OT : FUCK the police

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    I have yet to see Drudge say anything on his website aside from his headlines.

    He links to articles ... it's convenient.
    Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


      Originally posted by IronEagle View Post
      I don't consider them to be the ememy.

      But here is a flat out question: Do you take what he says to be the truth? Or should I say what he implies... because he never says anything... he just links to it!!!! LIke I said, he's clever.
      To be honest - I don't visit the site that much anymore for that exact reason. And I think there's a lot of people who probably do the same (or visit it with a discerning eye). I'm fine with bias, but the party-line type of bias to me is lazy.

      But I think the suggestion that there aren't Huffpo, or forwardprogress or DailyKos readers that don't also lap the shit up as the gospel is preposterous.


        Originally posted by JuTMSY4 View Post
        To be honest - I don't visit the site that much anymore for that exact reason. And I think there's a lot of people who probably do the same (or visit it with a discerning eye). I'm fine with bias, but the party-line type of bias to me is lazy.

        But I think the suggestion that there aren't Huffpo, or forwardprogress or DailyKos readers that don't also lap the shit up as the gospel is preposterous.
        I agree with you here. I don't read DailyKos or the Huffington Post.

        I do read Drudge... probably because he infuriates me so much.

        I know a big part of his schtick is just to piss people like me off.

        I have to laugh when people say there is liberal bias in the media. There's plenty of bias on all sides in the media. The liberals don't hold a monopoly. They may have more outspoken people but they don't hold the control of the news networks.

        I grew up during the Cold War era. The difference then was both the left and right in the US had a common enemy in the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact.

        We could all agree that we hated them so all of the bias was directed against them! I guess human nature is such that we all need an enemy.

        I suspect we aren't that different than my cat with her walnut sized brain in that respect. Territorial.
        "We choose to go to the moon."


          Originally posted by Marinate03 View Post
          How you gonna shoot a dog in broad fucking daylight?? Fuck cops! They're nothing but bitchass pussies that hide behind a little piece of metal.
          Guess its better than hiding behind the Internet!


            I actually didn't see the blanket indictment of the police that you were concerned with in this thread (I think the headline was a reference to an NWA track) ... until now.
            Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


              wow... just wow

              Originally posted by The Ref View Post

              Do you honestly think your little cap pistol is going to be able to fight off even the smallest po dunk town police force?

              Jezuz, people have pea brains. Your guns, even if you had hundreds of them with dozens of gun toting buddies, are no match for SWAT. Even the most modest SWAT force in the world. Go watch some video of of Waco.

              Unless you plan on shooting individual police officers. Maybe you do plan that. I don't know you. But I do know you gun nuts cum in your pants at the thought of killing people.
              I sometimes wonder if you've spent the last 30 years in your parents' basement, never once venturing out in the real world, your only source of information coming from the fantasy land of hollywood and lunatic left websites. Your world view is so warped, so cliche, so stereotyped, it boggles the mind.
              "I could buy you." - The Village Idiot


                Originally posted by Riccardo View Post
                I sometimes wonder if you've spent the last 30 years in your parents' basement, never once venturing out in the real world, your only source of information coming from the fantasy land of hollywood and lunatic left websites. Your world view is so warped, so cliche, so stereotyped, it boggles the mind.
                lone wolf


                  Wow! What a strange post. Hateful?
                  But I considered the source.


                    I agree that Drudge headline's can be misleading pushing his agenda.
                    However, I question the word "extreme"?
                    Are all right wing views extreme? To some it seems so. What if the majority of people in an area agree, are they all extreme?




                        Originally posted by JuTMSY4 View Post
                        To be honest - I don't visit the site that much anymore for that exact reason. And I think there's a lot of people who probably do the same (or visit it with a discerning eye). I'm fine with bias, but the party-line type of bias to me is lazy.

                        But I think the suggestion that there aren't Huffpo, or forwardprogress or DailyKos readers that don't also lap the shit up as the gospel is preposterous.
                        While both have provocative headlines, HuffPo typically offers full articles/opinions unlike Drudge. It's more akin to a right-leaning news magazine or site than it is to Drudge.

                        Drudge only offers the headlines/pictures with the links. It's not trying to intrigue the reader into reading an opinion, but rather incite based only on a headline.

                        Drudge probably doesn't want its readers to go too far into the links because then they'll see how the they've twisted their headlines to meet their needs.
                        Your Retarded


                          I went to Drudge the first time expecting some foaming-at-the-mouth right wing nutball website that would be a source of some lowbrow yucks.

                          I've been sorely disappointed every fucking time I go over there.
                          Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


                            Ding !! Ding !! Ding !!

                            Originally posted by slag View Post
                            I actually didn't see the blanket indictment of the police that you were concerned with in this thread (I think the headline was a reference to an NWA track) ... until now.
                            You are correct, sir !!!!
                            The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is - Winston Churchill


                              Originally posted by TerpEagle View Post

                              Drudge only offers the headlines/pictures with the links. It's not trying to intrigue the reader into reading an opinion, but rather incite based only on a headline.
                              That's sort of a matter of opinion, isn't it.

                              Also, I was merely using Huffpo as an example because Ref did...


                                Originally posted by Riccardo View Post
                                I sometimes wonder if you've spent the last 30 years in your parents' basement, never once venturing out in the real world, your only source of information coming from the fantasy land of hollywood and lunatic left websites. Your world view is so warped, so cliche, so stereotyped, it boggles the mind.
                                It would only appear that way to ultra right wing loons. Did you even read the post that I was responding to? He was echoing the right wing nut-job paranoia that the police would take over the country if citizens didn't have guns.

                                The Bubble is all yours and your loopy friends who read the blog of a failed entertainment gossip columnist.

