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  • So what would Matthews tell other Americans who are skeptical about Obamacare? “I would tell them to learn more about it before they start talking bad about it,” he noted. “Be more informed, get more information, take your time and study and not just go by just what you hear on one side or the other. Actually check the facts on it.”
    this situation sounds extreme to me. but you can't argue with his advice. get the facts.
    Blue Chip College Football - Coach Your College to the National Championship


    • [QUOTE=Eagle Road;1721396]
      Originally posted by FuriousXGeorge View Post

      Typical Liberal, telling everyone else what they should be doing.

      That fits the 72 or so, all white, geriatric, climate denying, backwoods living, bible thumping, AR-15 toting, gerrymandered congressional tea-cretins who think giving the Ins. industry millions of new customers to reform our HC system through a republican idea is SOCIALISM.... 1/30th of govt. telling millions to F off


      • Originally posted by Eagle Road View Post
        The cost is shared by everyone, that's a good one, and who funds the government? keep em coming, lol
        Dude, you sound like someone who is OK if you can find a company willing to take a loss on your health care costs because they are fleecing someone else but, somehow, you have a problem if the same thing is done by the government.

        So now that this compromise has taken hold you're mad because it shed a light on the fact that some insurance company was losing money paying all your claims and now they're dumping you as a freeloader... I mean client.
        "You'll get nothing and like it!" Judge Smails


        • Originally posted by J_Cuz31 View Post
          Dude, you sound like someone who is OK if you can find a company willing to take a loss on your health care costs because they are fleecing someone else but, somehow, you have a problem if the same thing is done by the government.

          So now that this compromise has taken hold you're mad because it shed a light on the fact that some insurance company was losing money paying all your claims and now they're dumping you as a freeloader... I mean client.

          Yep, you've got me pegged, let's not even mention the 20 odd years (actually I just checked, it been over 36 years) that I have paid in with virtually no claims.


          • I hope that's true, as soon as things "settle down" a bit, I will access the Kansas exchange and see what it comes up with.

            I'll let you know EITHER way, and if it turns out to be the same (appox.) coverage, for around the same money, I'll be the first to say I was wrong.

            Looks like it may be a while,,,

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            • Looks like it may be a while,,,

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              Yes, the program is ridiculously popular so the site is having issue dealing with all the people who want in.

