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Jonathan martin is a pussy

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    You got me

    Originally posted by TerpEagle View Post
    Dude, you're obviously on the wrong website.

    Try this one.

    Total Frat Move: hot girls, college campus life, American culture, pro and college sports, and much more from the legendary brand.

    I'll bet they love that secret society, abuse each mentality.
    Cant argue with that.


      Originally posted by Melchior View Post
      Dude, if it actually happened as Martin describes, that's inexcusable. If you think Martin is lying and is a pussy, that's one thing. But if you take his word on what happened and still think he's a pussy, then you're a douchebag.
      I am glad the players that knows Martin expressed their true thoughts. However it came out that he is a soft bitch by the support of Icognito..

      When the FO encourages someone to straighten out a softy on the team that speak highly volumes.


        Originally posted by wynnron123 View Post
        So you telling me this is the first time this has happen in 93 yrs of the NFL. Got it. A guy like Jackie Robinson probably heard worst from his own team mates and fans in his face\, including death threats.

        Bottom line is Martin either trying to cash in because he have a lawyer as a father or he is just a soft bitch. I hope it's the latter so he get kicks out of the leauge, he suck anyway. This is the NFL not the GFL if you know what I mean
        You seem to be missing the point. Just because it hasn't been brought up before doesn't mean it's not relevant or a problem.

        Minorities and anyone else who is bullied - in sports or the world in general - suffer all sorts of abuse. Just because many of them keep quiet to avoid more abuse and or being ostracized/crucified doesn't mean it's no big deal or that it's ok. The reason many people do keep quiet is because jerk-offs call them pussies when they actually speak out about it.
        Your Retarded


          Originally posted by wynnron123 View Post
          I am glad the players that knows Martin expressed their true thoughts. However it came out that he is a soft bitch by the support of Icognito..

          When the FO encourages someone to straighten out a softy on the team that speak highly volumes.
          Yes, because their teammates have absolute NO reason to feign ignorance. It's not like confirming details would send this shit storm in to overdrive or anything. And then good luck with your career after the rest of the league sees that you don't toe the line with management.

          I'd say they've got every reason to play dumb. The comments of the teammates have little credibility as far as I'm concerned.
          Last edited by Melchior; 11-08-2013, 04:25 PM.
          "If I was racist in my opinion of QB's, I wouldn't have a dog named Donovan." - downundermike


            Originally posted by wynnron123 View Post
            I am glad the players that knows Martin expressed their true thoughts. However it came out that he is a soft bitch by the support of Icognito..

            When the FO encourages someone to straighten out a softy on the team that speak highly volumes.
            Yeah, it speaks volumes about their player evaluation and personnel management.

            "Yo, Richie, we kind of blew this pick. You think you could harass the shit out of this guy for a while and try to toughen him up?"

            I get douche chills thinking about it.
            "If I was racist in my opinion of QB's, I wouldn't have a dog named Donovan." - downundermike


              Are you fucking serious ?

              Originally posted by wynnron123 View Post
              So you telling me this is the first time this has happen in 93 yrs of the NFL. Got it. A guy like Jackie Robinson probably heard worst from his own team mates and fans in his face\, including death threats.

              Bottom line is Martin either trying to cash in because he have a lawyer as a father or he is just a soft bitch. I hope it's the latter so he get kicks out of the leauge, he suck anyway. This is the NFL not the GFL if you know what I mean
              Why are you bringing Jackie Robinson into this ?? You tough guys are the best. Nothing is ever supposed to phase a man. A man should never express how he feels. A man should never ask for help. Whatever the fuck is going on in a man's life, he should just keep quiet and deal with it. A reral man is required to drive around in a muscle car, and should be wearing his tool belt at all times. Showing compassion and sensitivity is only for the pussies. Real men eat live scoprions and make their bitches do whatever they tell them to.
              The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is - Winston Churchill


                Hazing has been going on since the beginning of time. Even outside of sports into the fraternities. But none of you Martin supporters can't answer why nobody else came out about it.

                So after 93 yrs of the NFL Martin is making a stance? What a sweet bitch he is. After Stanford he should've just went to Law school like his father. The NFL is not for him period.



                  Originally posted by TerpEagle View Post
                  You seem to be missing the point. Just because it hasn't been brought up before doesn't mean it's not relevant or a problem.

                  Minorities and anyone else who is bullied - in sports or the world in general - suffer all sorts of abuse. Just because many of them keep quiet to avoid more abuse and or being ostracized/crucified doesn't mean it's no big deal or that it's ok. The reason many people do keep quiet is because jerk-offs call them pussies when they actually speak out about it.
                  Hopefully this never happens again due to Martin's courage. How do you know so much about bullies and pussies? How does Terp know this is only happening to minorities in sports (who is the minority in the nfl)?



                    A man's man.
                    "If I was racist in my opinion of QB's, I wouldn't have a dog named Donovan." - downundermike


                      Originally posted by Greenstealth View Post
                      Hopefully this never happens again due to Martin's courage. How do you know so much about bullies and pussies? How does Terp know this is only happening to minorities in sports (who is the minority in the nfl)?
                      Hopefully the NFL works towards being more professional. People being assholes to other people is going to continue, but it shouldn't be condoned or promoted.

                      My credentials:
                      I'm a human being.
                      I've been alive for over 30 years.
                      I have numerous personal experiences about many things as well as lots of friends and family that have had their own experiences.
                      I converse with them about numerous things, which at times have included the subject of bullying.
                      In general, due to life experiences and education I know about a multitude of things and make it my business to continue to learn about these things as well as others.
                      I also use common sense.

                      Any other brain busters?

                      Martin is the case in point right now. If anyone is being treated like that in the workplace it's unprofessional. It's especially bad if management is promoting it. It's a race issue with Martin because Incognito used race as his means of abuse.
                      Your Retarded


                        This goes so far beyond run of the mill hazing

                        Originally posted by wynnron123 View Post
                        Hazing has been going on since the beginning of time. Even outside of sports into the fraternities. But none of you Martin supporters can't answer why nobody else came out about it.

                        So after 93 yrs of the NFL Martin is making a stance? What a sweet bitch he is. After Stanford he should've just went to Law school like his father. The NFL is not for him period.
                        This is not taping someone to the goal post, and the hazing is reserved for the rookies. Martin is not a rookie anymore, well according to Incognito's voicemail, he is. Instead of asking the "Martin supporters" to come up with a reason why no one else came out about it, you should be asking why his teammates and apparently management, felt it was necessary to treat him like this in the first place.
                        Last edited by Eagle In Ohio; 11-08-2013, 04:53 PM.
                        The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is - Winston Churchill


                          Originally posted by wynnron123 View Post
                          Hazing has been going on since the beginning of time. Even outside of sports into the fraternities. But none of you Martin supporters can't answer why nobody else came out about it.

                          So after 93 yrs of the NFL Martin is making a stance? What a sweet bitch he is. After Stanford he should've just went to Law school like his father. The NFL is not for him period.
                          I did answer it. Until recently (last few decades really) hazing and bullying was generally accepted/ignored/minimized by many people regardless of the documented negative effects it has on people.

                          Even now though, there are people who think it's no big deal regardless of the known affects on people. Some of those people call the bullied pussies and think they should man up. Therefore, many of the bullied just take it because it's part of some ridiculous mythos of what it is to be a man.

                          How many times can I tell you that people like you are the reason that it's not spoken up about more?
                          Your Retarded


                            Originally posted by Greenstealth View Post
                            All I could surmise is that every locker room is different. As for the eagles? Who knows? Maybe Peters was too hard on the fireman? I think generally stuff in the locker room stays there.
                            The point is that if Martin had been drafted by a team that didn't encourage racist harrassment, like the Patriots or Eagles, you wouldn't be calling him a "pussy" because he wouldn't have been subjected to persistent harrassment.

                            You're blaming the victim for being a "pussy" when, in reality, he was only unlucky enough to get drafted by the Dolphins instead of another team without a culture of harrassment. That's where your argument falls apart. Why should Martin be forced to endure racist harrassment in order to pursue a career in football when Danny Watkins and/or others did not?

                            You're acting like this happens all over the place and based on statements by Boomer Esiason and other that does not appear to be the case.
                            "You'll get nothing and like it!" Judge Smails


                              How do you know about locker room culture and what goes on, on what teams? It's funny though, the locker room is saying that martin was playing that very same voice mail and yucking it up with other players back in april. Now it's news. Didn't martin just lose his starting job. Suspicious timing.

