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what are you expectations now?

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  • #16
    Cam is coming of age and their D is elite. Steve Smith and Olsen give him some weapons and they have a three man rotation at RB.

    Carolina might not win it all this year (nobody is beating Seattle in Seattle) but the Panthers are on the upswing.
    Last edited by Sect 236; 12-06-2013, 11:13 AM.


    • #17
      The kool-aid must be spiked ????

      The Eagles play in a shitty division and have beaten shitty teams and QBs all season. The Eagles in the same post with SF,SEA,NO, or CAR is ridiculous. Beat Dallas first before anything.


      • #18
        They've already exceeded my expectations so the rest of the season is gravy no matter how it goes. The good news is Chip isn't High School Harry. He can coach in the NFL. Looking forward to the future.

        I was a doubter but he won me over.

        btw, McCoy is no longer the leading rusher. Peterson is on a late season tear just like last season. It's okay with me. Rather see wins.


        • #19


          • #20
            Originally posted by Ellsworth View Post

            win 1st playoff game.

            go to seattle, stick it up their asses with no vaseline, play SB in Jersey with a massive homefield advantage. meet up vs Patriots.
            Well that clinches 7-9! Jinxworth


            • #21
              The Eagles going 8-8 is a great accomplishment

              Anything more than that is all icing on the cake.


              • #22
                I've already put a lawn chair down on Broad to save my spot for the parade


                • #23
                  None taken

                  Originally posted by Greenstealth View Post
                  Where did I say that I see them losing out?
                  Just Math... 7-9 has the Eagles Losing last 4 games...
                  My original question was about the Expectations and if they changed with 4 games left....

                  My Expectations were met after the 5 win this season and the arrow pointing up for the future. How many teams have continued to win after changing their QB, a first year head coach and implement a new system across the board. Prior to this year we had 2 bad seasons.... Now some excitement and there is talk of Jinxes, doom and Gloom, Screw that I am happy Captain Kelly is on our side.

                  What was hostile about my post? Because I'm not deluded enough to think the 7-5 Eagles are a serious threat to make a superbowl run? They have one win against a team with a winning record and they are coming off of a 4-12 season, get a grip and enjoy it for what it is.
                  We can always counter that argument with we can only play the schedule....


                  • #24
                    And the teams they played on their schedule with winning records have all beaten the eagles aside from the cards? Again, I didn't say the eagles would finish 7-9. I simply asked a question. If if if if (please note the word "if") the eagles finished 7-9, how would chip kelly be viewed by all these rose colored glasses fans? That isn't a prediction or an assumption it's a question. This season to me has been a success already. The defense is competent. Kelly is getting a feel and settling in, overall there isn't much to not like.
                    Last edited by Greenstealth; 12-06-2013, 02:28 PM.


                    • #25
                      I suspect they'll somehow wind up 8-7 going into the Dallas game. If there's no division title on the line, they'll very likely win to go 9-7. If it's win or go home, the final game is a toss up. Losing out from here would be disappointing, anything else would make it a good to very good season all things considering.


                      • #26
                        true true

                        Originally posted by Greenstealth View Post
                        And the teams they played on their schedule with winning records have all beaten the eagles aside from the cards? Again, I didn't say the eagles would finish 7-9. I simply asked a question. If if if if (please note the word "if") the eagles finished 7-9, how would chip kelly be viewed by all these rose colored glasses fans? That isn't a prediction or an assumption it's a question. This season to me has been a success already. The defense is competent. Kelly is getting a feel and settling in, overall there isn't much to not like.
                        I am very happy with how the season has played out


                        • #27
                          I think it's safe to say that Seattle is in a class by themselves right now in the NFC. That defense is scary.


                          • #28
                            At Qwest field, yes

                            Originally posted by Phoward12 View Post
                            I think it's safe to say that Seattle is in a class by themselves right now in the NFC. That defense is scary.
                            Away from Qwest Field, I'm not so sure.
                            Last edited by Eagle In Ohio; 12-06-2013, 04:16 PM.
                            The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is - Winston Churchill


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Eagle In Ohio View Post
                              Away from Qwest Field, I'm not so sure.
                              I looked at the home/away splits, and they actually come out as round numbers. 14 ppg allowed at home, 17 ppg allowed on the road. I don't know how significant a difference that is compared to the average NFL team, but you're right, 3 points can swing a lot of games.

                              Seems like they're on track for home field up through the (potential) Super Bowl though.


                              • #30
                                Another tough place is the SuperDome

                                Saints are tough there

