Originally posted by IronEagle
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If you could steadily earn 75K per year in the modern US or 75K per year at the turn of the last century, which era would you prefer to live?
In 1900, 75K would pretty much put you in the 1 percent. You'd have a large mansion, live-in servants, access to the best of everything of that era. Modern US you would struggle to hold on to middle class status.
In 1900, many common afflictions would kill you. Even a simple hernia had no surgical answer. No antibiotics. It would take a month to travel across country even for the wealthiest. etc, etc.
Most people chose to live in the modern era. I certainly would. The past often looks rosier until you examine it more closely. I'm a little envious of millennials. The future has a chance to be incredibly awesome! I won't see it.