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Where's Kelly Green?

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    A Little IG-itis, Gappy?

    Considering how the post to which you replied was about the weather here and in Montana, your point is way out of place.
    "If I owned Texas and Hell, I'd rent out Texas and live in Hell!"


      You went off topic

      Why can't I?


        I Suppose You're Right

        The reason I asked about the weather was because I hadn't seen Montana posting lately so I took advantage of it.

        You're kosher (so to speak).
        "If I owned Texas and Hell, I'd rent out Texas and live in Hell!"


          I play table top games. And apps of those same games. Other than that, they're all sh*t.

          (BTW...both of my shoes are the same thickness.)


            Originally posted by Kelly Green View Post
            1. I never sent it. Apparently the damn program must tap your address book and it sends "invitations' automatically. If I could turn such stuff off I would.
            I've never played those games, but I think they ask you up front for permission to access your friends list. You have to deny that. I believe some apps won't let you play unless you click yes, so you have to choose between your own satisfaction, or not pissing off your friends.

            It's clear which choice you made.


              Winter is my favorite time of year, as a skier.
              This winter has been colder than normal, but not much snow until February.
              Last Sunday, after a weekend off skiing in Canada, it snowed too much, and we could not get into our house, as the County had not plowed the road off the highway. Way too deep to drive thru. So had to go back to town, and go home Monday nite and plow my driveway out. Yes, it can be a hassle, but I love plowing snow and making big snowpiles.
              But now - winter is over - it is just rain rain rain, and that warm weather is headed to you.
              Snow is on the ground about 4 months a year at our house, about 3 months of the year in town. I love the snow. Most people here complain about it though, juts like all you guys.
              And you all had a very nice winter, if you like winter. Lots of snow like I recall as a kid, but we all recall this stuff as a kid (we were shorter then).


                I've had it with winters

                If I never see another snow flake in my lifetime I'd be happy
                "I could buy you." - The Village Idiot



                  Originally posted by Susquehanna Birder View Post

                  (BTW...both of my shoes are the same thickness.)
                  "I could buy you." - The Village Idiot

