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In the end, I don't think Jackson wanted to play for Kelly anymore

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    Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


      Originally posted by slag View Post
      Andy Reid seems to be the guy who liked Jackson the most.
      Your Retarded


        Andy Reid ran shotgun on short yardage?
        Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


          Originally posted by bobbyuk View Post
          Then maybe Diggle you can tell me why he took what amounts to a 2.5M paycut--if he'd kept his mouth shut, the Eagles might have asked him to restructure but there would be no way they would have cut him like they did. Roseman didn't want to deal with the possible distractions and the threat he'd hold out again. Or can't you see that point of view??

          And here's the quotes from January--

          The redskins are giving him 16 million which is more than the 10 million he was gonna get from the eagles. So since when does 16 minus 10 equal negative 2.5?
          "You'll get nothing and like it!" Judge Smails


            Originally posted by TerpEagle View Post
            Andy Reid seems to be the guy who liked Jackson the most.
            Oh Jesus Christ already


              Originally posted by Greenstealth View Post
              Oh Jesus Christ already
              Be nice and let twerpeagle build up his self image in his own mind. Its all he has.
              "You'll get nothing and like it!" Judge Smails


                Originally posted by J_Cuz31 View Post
                The redskins are giving him 16 million which is more than the 10 million he was gonna get from the eagles. So since when does 16 minus 10 equal negative 2.5?
                i think it's that if they didn't cut him and he was on the roster at the start of the season he would have gotten 10 this year and then if he was still on the team next year...another 10...but yes, it's not guaranteed money.
                “I am going to literally sodomize you on the field of battle. I am going to have non-consensual sex with your face and your butt. Then I’m going after your wife and kid”


                  Originally posted by slag View Post
                  Andy Reid ran shotgun on short yardage?
                  I feel like with Vick he ran shotgun a lot and I thought that was your reference but I could just be associating with throwing on 4th and inches.

                  Obviously you meant Kelly so my mistake.
                  Your Retarded


                    No I don't have a reading problem

                    Originally posted by bobbyuk View Post
                    Apparently you have a reading comprehension problem. Where in my text did I say that Kelly had a problem with his OFF-FIELD life?? Everything I said dealt with life between the lines.
                    That must be you, because I never said that you yourself said that. My point is that they've cut him, and let information leak out about these possible gang ties (and please don't try to say that they had no knowledge that this info was going to come out), but they have no proof of that whatsoever, at least none they they care to divulge. If those reports weren't somehow connected to the FO, then why not come out and say "we have no knowledge of DeSean jackson's involvement in any gang of any kind." They were perfectly okay with that information just floating out there to soil his reputation. that's some dirty shit if that's what they did.
                    The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is - Winston Churchill


                      Originally posted by nerd View Post
                      i think it's that if they didn't cut him and he was on the roster at the start of the season he would have gotten 10 this year and then if he was still on the team next year...another 10...but yes, it's not guaranteed money.
                      There was never any chance that jackson was getting that 2015 money from the eagles so its completely irrelevant. The same goes for year three of the redskins deal.
                      "You'll get nothing and like it!" Judge Smails


                        Originally posted by J_Cuz31 View Post
                        There was never any chance that jackson was getting that 2015 money from the eagles so its completely irrelevant. The same goes for year three of the redskins deal.
              's basically a two year deal where they can cut desean if his performance slips or he acts like a twat again.
                        “I am going to literally sodomize you on the field of battle. I am going to have non-consensual sex with your face and your butt. Then I’m going after your wife and kid”


                          the story still doesn't add up

                          Clearly you have a talented player recognized by the league, with multiple years of productivity. He wasn't injured and is in the proper age for continued productivity. If all of what you say is true, that the professional issues stemmed from personal differences, then you trade him for some return on the value. They shop him to other teams and say that the coaching staff doesn't see things eye-to-eye with the player.

                          Obviously, if you think he is making too much money, you have to ask what a pro-bowl wide-receiver is worth financially. Asking Desean to take a paycut would not be feasible coming off his last season. Cutting him now makes no sense when considering spreading his dead money hit over 2 seasons. If you don't want him around the young players at all, clearly he wasn't working out at the NovaCare building anyway! Even if he held out during training camp, they could have just cut him at that time too.

                          Something is missing. It may just be a clash of egos.




                              Are you serious?

                              It's clear that he got more GUARANTEED money from The Skins to me. Why isn't it clear to you?


                                desean's conference call will be starting 15 minutes late. get out of town.
                                “I am going to literally sodomize you on the field of battle. I am going to have non-consensual sex with your face and your butt. Then I’m going after your wife and kid”

