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Multiple stabbings at a PA school this morning

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    Originally posted by stjoebirdsfan View Post
    That's always struck me as an odd aspect of the focus of the anti-gun argument. It always centers on rednecks with a bunch of rifles. While problematic, they don't seem to perpetrate an overwhelming amount of the gun violence.
    Municipalities have tried to work on the handgun problems. The courts said they can't ban them. A rifle organization had something to do with that.


      Originally posted by ashaman View Post
      Ban cars! A lunatic driving a car into a crowd can kill a lot of people, especially in New York city where pedestrian traffic is heavy! Ban them!
      You are literally retarded.


        And your logic of banning guns and taking away the 2nd amendments of the US Constitution sure make a lot of sense right?
        Everytime there's a mass shooting with guns involved, we always get the anti-gun nuts going for a ban on guns. Although, most of these guys will just say "ban assault weapons", not "ban hand-guns". Did you know deaths by "assault weapons" is about the same or even less than deaths by "knives"?

        And even the combine number of deaths by any guns in general is still way less than deaths by alcohol related every year! However, alcohol isn't the problem. It's the idiots who can't control their alcohol addiction is the problem, and those guys could also kill using guns while intoxicated as well!


          Originally posted by Diggle View Post
          would have been 50 dead if it was a gun. I'll take 20 stabbed over 50 dead
          Or if they allowed armed security guards in schools there would be 1 dead. The kid with the knif.


            Originally posted by JDuggernaut View Post
            I don't think guns should be banned, but it should be harder to legally acquire a gun. But even if guns were banned, there would still be a lot of guns on the black market, and the kind of person that would use a gun to shoot up a school probably wouldn't be too worried about illegally obtaining a gun.
            Bingo! If an idiot wants to die and take out a lot of people in the process, he wouldn't go about obtaining such means legally. Black market is the place to shop for those if willing to pay a higher price. Drugs are also illegal in this country, but many people can still get it if they're willing to pay.


              Yeah like Washington DC?

              had a handgun ban for 33 years and gun violence raged. Repealed in 2008 and gun violence declines. Go figure...
              "I could buy you." - The Village Idiot


                Originally posted by Riccardo View Post
                had a handgun ban for 33 years and gun violence raged. Repealed in 2008 and gun violence declines. Go figure...
                Chicago still got one of the toughest gun law in the nation right? How's that working out for Obama's home state?


                  Originally posted by Riccardo View Post
                  had a handgun ban for 33 years and gun violence raged. Repealed in 2008 and gun violence declines. Go figure...
                  Municipality gun bans are idiotic. You can't control the illicit trade of an object legal in all surrounding areas. What I was pointing out was that the anti-gun side is not in fact ignoring that side of it, they just can't possibly win on that part of it because of the (correct) court opinions on what the second amendment means and the actions of the gun lobby which is among the most powerful in the country.

                  I mean, is it too much to ask that we be honest about this debate? The anti-gun side wants to ban the guns responsible for killing people. They work at that goal, they fail. The opposition beats them for understandable reasons. I can get those reasons, I don't get why people have to demean the anti-gun side and pretend they don't know what the priorities should be. (Not to say they are always perfect, Assault Weapons Ban stupidity etc) They don't just pick on rednecks with guns, they are politically fueled by city voters terrified of handgun violence and they are doing whatever they can for their constituents. Even if they fail, they have to keep trying, just like the pro-life folks facing down a similar coalition of courts, constitution, and popular opinion on abortion.

                  Originally posted by ashaman
                  You are a special person!
                  Last edited by FuriousXGeorge; 04-10-2014, 04:50 PM.

