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    Originally posted by stealth_rhino View Post
    Yeah, that stupid twelve year old boy that may or may not have had the exact same guidance your son did totally deserved what he got.

    As a police officer, you can never expect how the situation will unfold. Of course hindsight is 20/20 after the fact but when you see a gun pointed at your head your training kicks in and you react. It's a tragedy that a 12 year old kid is dead. It's every parents worst nightmare. But the cop did what he was trained to do and would do it again if confronted with the same situation.


      and girls deserve to be raped when they dress in a way

      Originally posted by SCREAMIN EAGLE View Post
      As a police officer, you can never expect how the situation will unfold. Of course hindsight is 20/20 after the fact but when you see a gun pointed at your head your training kicks in and you react. It's a tragedy that a 12 year old kid is dead. It's every parents worst nightmare. But the cop did what he was trained to do and would do it again if confronted with the same situation.
      that Screaming Eagle doesn't condone for his daughter. And black folks should just get over slavery because there isn't any racism any more.


        Originally posted by Dim Bulb View Post
        That all 12 year olds should conform exactly to your standards and those of your impeccably-raised 12 year old. Perhaps if you posted a list of standards for 12 year olds, including top ten rules, it would help to avoid these sorts of tragedies in the future. The rest of us lesser parents certainly would appreciate it. Also, I wonder if you'd include your position on interracial dating.

        Thanks in advance,

        Oh here we go, pull out the race card when nothing else works. Go ahead and pull it but the fact of the matter remains, the kid was shot because he was threat to 2 police officers and the general public. You can insult me all you want but it won't change the fact that the 2 cops did exactly what they were trained to do.


          Originally posted by Dim Bulb View Post
          that Screaming Eagle doesn't condone for his daughter. And black folks should just get over slavery because there isn't any racism any more.
          You act like a cornered racoon when you are wrong. What a pathetic little bitch you are.


            Good for you

            Originally posted by SCREAMIN EAGLE View Post
            As a matter of fact I do. And he's 12. I also raised him to NEVER point a weapon at anyone, not even a finger gun. And I'm sorry, at 12 years old you should know that.
            Nice to know he is getting some responsible training, just hope he doesn't become as so dismissive to someone's loss as you sound.

            A 12 yr old died.
            "I feel much better now that my pants are on."- overheard conversation at a Gayte


              You guys can speculate all you want on what should or should not have been done, all I can say is that until YOU are presented with that SAME EXACT situation, you will never know how you will react.

              My take on it is there is enough blame to go around, yes, I would hope the officer seeing a 12 YO boy would give the benefit of doubt, but what if he does and the gun is real?

              He doesn't get to ever see his wife and kids again, are you SURE how you react in that situation?

              Sorry, but I have to agree with SE on the parental angle, at 12 YO you as a Parent ARE responsible for how that kid handles a gun, real or not, ESP. if YOU were the one that gave it to him.
              Last edited by Eagle Road; 11-26-2014, 01:48 PM.


                Originally posted by Raptor View Post
                Nice to know he is getting some responsible training, just hope he doesn't become as so dismissive to someone's loss as you sound.

                A 12 yr old died.
                I know and it's sad and tragic as I mentioned already, I wish the outcome was different. But the fact remains, the cop(s) were right in how the situation was handled.


                  Originally posted by Dim Bulb View Post
                  that Screaming Eagle doesn't condone for his daughter. And black folks should just get over slavery because there isn't any racism any more.

                  Not sure there isn't a bigger RESPONSIBILTY/RESPECT issue in America than there is a RACIAL issue.


                    Haven't you been around long enough to know...

                    Originally posted by SCREAMIN EAGLE View Post
                    You act like a cornered racoon when you are wrong. What a pathetic little bitch you are.
                    That I revel in being a pathetic little bitch? But I have to say, for some reason, probably having to do with me, that's the first time going back to the days that anyone's been moved to name call me. Except in fun (you know who you are, Overbrook).

                    Your post is ironic for two reasons:

                    1. You are the one acting like a cornered raccoon (I guess part of your twelve year old's rules don't include spelling) when I simply point out a truth: That all kids don't behave as well as your kid at 12. Where's the need to spew invective at me for that?

                    2. I'm not wrong. Different 12 year olds act differently. Haven't you noticed that? I'm 100 percent dead right on this. And my extension of your argument to women and blacks is analogous to the central point you are making... that all people in certain positions would be fine if they would simply act the way you think they should act. Don't be ashamed of that! Revel in your certainty, because I certainly wish I had that level of self rectitude.

                    Please resume your name calling because it really adds to your argument. But it does make me cry a little.



                      Not an insult

                      Originally posted by SCREAMIN EAGLE View Post
                      Oh here we go, pull out the race card when nothing else works. Go ahead and pull it but the fact of the matter remains, the kid was shot because he was threat to 2 police officers and the general public. You can insult me all you want but it won't change the fact that the 2 cops did exactly what they were trained to do.
                      Tell me if either of my two analogies are not what you've expressed previously. Don't dissemble, because I have a long memory.

                      To the extent you feel insulted, that was not my intent. My intent was to use an analogy that a good parent like you would understand. I've got nothing but love in my heart.

                      Your pal,



                        If you're going to be a police officer

                        Originally posted by SCREAMIN EAGLE View Post
                        So do you think it's the cop's fault?
                        Critical Thinking should be part of your job. I would be willing to bet that once he was confronted by the police, the kid's thought was "oh man, I'm in trouble, I'd better put down this gun". Not, "oh man, if I reach for this gun, this police officer is going to shoot and kill me". I'm not saying that the cop acted with any kind of malice, but it does blow my mind that he so quickly got to the point that killing the kid was his best and only option.
                        The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is - Winston Churchill


                          I don't blame the police but

                          Originally posted by SCREAMIN EAGLE View Post
                          I know and it's sad and tragic as I mentioned already, I wish the outcome was different. But the fact remains, the cop(s) were right in how the situation was handled.
                          I'm not going to judge the parents of a 12 yr old, or have any preconception of how a 12yr old should respond in such a situation.

                          I've met young adults who honestly believe they can dodge bullets ( I'm serious here)... I think there is bit of blame for both but the bigger question is how does such thing happen in the first place.

                          The adulation of the gun that has child thinking its a valued toy, to the thinking everyone is going to shoot me resulting in thinking a 12 yr old is going to be a lethal threat.

                          A 12 yr old died, and an officer will never be the same again,time to reexamine everything.
                          "I feel much better now that my pants are on."- overheard conversation at a Gayte


                            Originally posted by Dim Bulb View Post
                            That I revel in being a pathetic little bitch? But I have to say, for some reason, probably having to do with me, that's the first time going back to the days that anyone's been moved to name call me. Except in fun (you know who you are, Overbrook).

                            Your post is ironic for two reasons:

                            1. You are the one acting like a cornered raccoon (I guess part of your twelve year old's rules don't include spelling) when I simply point out a truth: That all kids don't behave as well as your kid at 12. Where's the need to spew invective at me for that?

                            2. I'm not wrong. Different 12 year olds act differently. Haven't you noticed that? I'm 100 percent dead right on this. And my extension of your argument to women and blacks is analogous to the central point you are making... that all people in certain positions would be fine if they would simply act the way you think they should act. Don't be ashamed of that! Revel in your certainty, because I certainly wish I had that level of self rectitude.

                            Please resume your name calling because it really adds to your argument. But it does make me cry a little.

                            Please tell me when I reveled in the fact that a 12 year old kid was shot in killed by 2 police officers. My initial stance was, if the 12 year old would have just complied and put his hands up when he was instructed he would be alive today. I'm sorry, but I don;'t buy the fact that a 12 year old (Not a 5 year old) doesn't know the simple fact that you don't point a weapon (Real or Fake) at another human being. So lets give the kid the benefit of the doubt here, lets say he was never taught by his mom or dad or legal guardian to not point a weapon. He still knew what he was doing when he was standing out in front of a youth center pointing a weapon at innocent bystanders as they walked by, and then he had enough sense to reach for the same weapon when he was confronted by a police officer. I'm sorry I resorted to name calling, you are right, it was childish. However, I cant blame a cop for doing what he was trained to do and give a kid (12 years old or not) a free pass and put the blame strictly on law enforcement. It is a tragedy no matter who was involved and there are no winners in this story.
                            Last edited by SCREAMIN EAGLE; 11-26-2014, 02:10 PM.


                              Fair enough

                              Originally posted by SCREAMIN EAGLE View Post
                              Please tell me when I reveled in the fact that a 12 year old kid was shot in killed by 2 police officers. My initial stance was, if the 12 year old would have just complied and put his hands up when he was instructed he would be alive today. I'm sorry, but I don;'t buy the fact that a 12 year old (Not a 5 year old) doesn't know the simple fact that you don't point a weapon (Real or Fake) at another human being. So lets give the kid the benefit of the doubt here, lets say he was never taught by his mom or dad or legal guardian to not point a weapon. He still knew what he was doing when he was standing out in front of a youth center pointing a weapon at innocent bystanders as they walked by, and then he had enough sense to reach for the same weapon when he was confronted by a police officer. I'm sorry I resorted to name calling, you are right, it was childish. However, I cant blame a cop for doing what he was trained to do and give a kid (12 years old or not) a free pass and put the blame strictly on law enforcement. It is a tragedy no matter who was involved and there are no winners in this story.
                              That seems a nuanced understanding of the situation, rather than the he-should've-done-what-he-was-told-and-he'd-still-be-alive approach.

                              I didn't say you reveled in the kid being killed. I said you should revel in your self rectitude. Nobody revels in a kid getting killed.

                              But don't you want to call me more names anyway? Come on, it'd be fun.


                                Originally posted by Dim Bulb View Post
                                12 year olds aren't exactly the most linear thinking people on the planet. He could've been reaching for it to show them it was fake. He could have panicked. Don't put adult thinking on a kid.
                                Rioters are supposed to consider tax implications but 12 year olds can't think about pulling guns on cops. Gated community life has messed you up.
                                Blue Chip College Football - Coach Your College to the National Championship

