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    PS I can't stop saying...

    Originally posted by Dim Bulb View Post
    I fully agree that all communities need to look at themselves, white, black, purple, whatever to see what they can do better. People will point to Sharpton or Cruz, Obama or Joe the Plumber and try to say "they're all like that." Communities need to look to themselves for answers not to point out how other communities are flawed.

    It's a total quality approach: Don't ask what "they" can do better, ask what "we" can do better.

    Sorry about my zig zags, I can only imagine what Screaming Eagle would say about my child rearing abilities with this kind of non linear thinking. My only point is that Ferguson is different because it has caused riots and protests seen all over the world. Sadly, each one of those 500 deaths should have the same focus.

    Happy Thanksgiving
    "Stickville, KS." Bwahahahaaa!


      Originally posted by Dim Bulb View Post
      I fully agree that all communities need to look at themselves, white, black, purple, whatever to see what they can do better. People will point to Sharpton or Cruz, Obama or Joe the Plumber and try to say "they're all like that." Communities need to look to themselves for answers not to point out how other communities are flawed.

      It's a total quality approach: Don't ask what "they" can do better, ask what "we" can do better.

      Sorry about my zig zags, I can only imagine what Screaming Eagle would say about my child rearing abilities with this kind of non linear thinking. My only point is that Ferguson is different because it has caused riots and protests seen all over the world. Sadly, each one of those 500 deaths should have the same focus.

      Happy Thanksgiving

      EXACTLY, and you guys have a great Holiday also!!!


        Originally posted by Dim Bulb View Post
        "Stickville, KS." Bwahahahaaa!

        Yeah, I can't get this vision out of my head that he thinks I walk around here barefoot with bib overalls and no shirt, with some straw hat and a corncob pipe or some shit like that.


          That's the problem

          Originally posted by Eagle Road View Post
          I don't know DB, you are losing me here, you jumped from Ferguson to taxes from taxes to raping women, from there to Bengazi.

          Since you are "up" on how this country is perceived by the international community, how does over 500 blacks killing each other a year in ONE city alone look to people outside of our borders?

          You can spin it any way you want Dimmy, and you can call me a racist if you wish, but the bottom line is the Black community itself has to start looking inward and fixing some of this gangster mentality if anything is ever going to change.

          As long as (some) Black people look to Rev, Al to be there spokesperson instead of real Black people that have made something out of nothing with there lives, this will NEVER get any better.

          So many people think that just because Al shows up, he's automatically speaking for all of us. Al Sharpton doesn't speak for me. There are crime problems in every community of every race and color, and to try and lessen the actions of a Darren Wilson by stating that Blacks kill other Blacks, and attempting to chastise the Black community for the crime within is tacky at best. It's like that tired argument that if Black people don't want other races to say the N-word, then they need to stop using it themselves. Black people could all stop saying that word tomorrow, and the racists who still want to use it to describe Blacks are still going to say it. The better question to ask is why are young Black men immediately seen as more threatening than their White counterparts, whether they're committing a crime or not.
          The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is - Winston Churchill


            what's crazy...

            Originally posted by Eagle In Ohio View Post
            So many people think that just because Al shows up, he's automatically speaking for all of us. Al Sharpton doesn't speak for me. There are crime problems in every community of every race and color, and to try and lessen the actions of a Darren Wilson by stating that Blacks kill other Blacks, and attempting to chastise the Black community for the crime within is tacky at best. It's like that tired argument that if Black people don't want other races to say the N-word, then they need to stop using it themselves. Black people could all stop saying that word tomorrow, and the racists who still want to use it to describe Blacks are still going to say it. The better question to ask is why are young Black men immediately seen as more threatening than their White counterparts, whether they're committing a crime or not.
   the comments on yahoo. If I were you, I don't know how I wouldn't freaking explode.


              look at the last 2-3 pages of Wilson's GJ testimony

              Originally posted by McCarthy12 View Post
              I don't know, I'd say once Brown starts grabbing for Wilson's weapon it's a life or death struggle. Then when Brown charges him, there's no reason to believe he won't try to take the weapon again.

              There's no doubt that there is a disparity in how minorities are treated by police in many instances, but this is not a good test case IMHO. If you try to grab an officer's gun, you might get shot. You just can't do that.
              And tell me as a lawyer if there isn't something bizarre about that.


                I just check out the CBS News comments

                Originally posted by Dim Bulb View Post
       the comments on yahoo. If I were you, I don't know how I wouldn't freaking explode.
                I always say that if you ever question whether or not racism stil exists, just check out the comments section on a story like Mike Brown. Plus, I understand that the anonymity of the internet allows some people to have balls they they usually wouldn't in any other situation
                The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is - Winston Churchill


                  Originally posted by Eagle In Ohio View Post
                  but we'll never know now.
                  Doesn't make it murder.

                  The dumbass attacked a cop. No upside there.
                  Blue Chip College Football - Coach Your College to the National Championship


                    I particularly got a chuckle out of

                    Originally posted by Dim Bulb View Post
                    And tell me as a lawyer if there isn't something bizarre about that.
                    "I felt like a 5 year old in the arms of Hulk Hogan" Very dramatic.
                    The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is - Winston Churchill


                      I can't tell

                      Originally posted by Maniac View Post
                      Doesn't make it murder.

                      The dumbass attacked a cop. No upside there.
                      from looking at Wilson. Be honest, in those photos, does darren Wilson looked like he was viciously attacked by an 18 year old that was 6'4" and over 300 pounds ? The guy looked like he got up, took a shower, then sat down and took a picture.
                      The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is - Winston Churchill


                        Originally posted by Eagle In Ohio View Post
                        So many people think that just because Al shows up, he's automatically speaking for all of us. Al Sharpton doesn't speak for me. There are crime problems in every community of every race and color, and to try and lessen the actions of a Darren Wilson by stating that Blacks kill other Blacks, and attempting to chastise the Black community for the crime within is tacky at best. It's like that tired argument that if Black people don't want other races to say the N-word, then they need to stop using it themselves. Black people could all stop saying that word tomorrow, and the racists who still want to use it to describe Blacks are still going to say it. The better question to ask is why are young Black men immediately seen as more threatening than their White counterparts, whether they're committing a crime or not.

                        I can't speak for other "Stickville Hicks" but it has nothing to do with them being "young Black men" being MORE threating per se.

                        It has to do with the circumstances, I have over the years picked up and delivered to some of the rougher neighborhoods around the country, you almost get a sixth sense if you are somewhere you should not be.

                        This goes for groups of Asians,Blacks,Whites, name a race, I was probably as nervous as I have ever been at a delivery one time in the DEEP backwoods of Kentucky, and EVERYBODY there was White.

                        Even you have to admit that you would be a bit more on edge walking past a group of Black men with there hats on sideways, pants around there knees and underwear sticking out, late at night than you would say a group of Black Men well dressed and talking about world events coming out of Church on Sunday AM. Right or Wrong?

                        All I can tell you is that is how it is for me, can't speak for anyone else.


                          Eagle in Ohio

                          Not looking to get into a political debate, but wanted to give my opinion on two topics you touched on. First, you are right, racism is alive and well. And it goes every way possible, not just white against black. It is a problem, and until we all learn to be more tolerant there will always be issues. Unfortunately, I doubt racism will ever be totally solved, there will always be people who only know how to hate.

                          Second, I just want to chime in on aiming for a leg, or arm, or whatever. As police we will NEVER be trained that way. This is because when we are in a situation that forces us to use our gun, any shot would be considered deadly force. Thinking that in one of the most stressful situations imaginable you could be that accurate all the time is very unlikely, there is a decent chance anytime you fire a gun at someone you could be taking a life. Anytime a trigger is pulled it is potentially lethal. Its not like TV..tunnel vision sets in, shaking, bystanders nearby, etc. If someone is enough of a threat that it requires you to shoot them, and stopping them is necessary for the safety of the public or your personal safety, then you shoot center mass. Every time I see cops shooting guns out of peoples hands on tv I cringe, because people think that stuff is realistic, and its just not. I'm not going to get into if the shooting was justified or not, but I did want to clarify that anytime you fire a gun at someone it constitutes deadly force.


                            I'll have to read it but I can say that one problem I do have is that they didn't get a statement from Wilson right after it happened.
                            "Listen to McCarthy" - Art Vandelay


                              Go to

                              Originally posted by murph12 View Post
                              Not looking to get into a political debate, but wanted to give my opinion on two topics you touched on. First, you are right, racism is alive and well. And it goes every way possible, not just white against black. It is a problem, and until we all learn to be more tolerant there will always be issues. Unfortunately, I doubt racism will ever be totally solved, there will always be people who only know how to hate.

                              Second, I just want to chime in on aiming for a leg, or arm, or whatever. As police we will NEVER be trained that way. This is because when we are in a situation that forces us to use our gun, any shot would be considered deadly force. Thinking that in one of the most stressful situations imaginable you could be that accurate all the time is very unlikely, there is a decent chance anytime you fire a gun at someone you could be taking a life. Anytime a trigger is pulled it is potentially lethal. Its not like TV..tunnel vision sets in, shaking, bystanders nearby, etc. If someone is enough of a threat that it requires you to shoot them, and stopping them is necessary for the safety of the public or your personal safety, then you shoot center mass. Every time I see cops shooting guns out of peoples hands on tv I cringe, because people think that stuff is realistic, and its just not. I'm not going to get into if the shooting was justified or not, but I did want to clarify that anytime you fire a gun at someone it constitutes deadly force.
                              The video is out. The CPD made it sound like this was a defiant kid who ignored repeated requests to drop the gun. Watch the video, they rolled up on that kid and shot him before the patrol car stopped moving. Didn't use the bullhorn, didn't do anything like that. Just rolled up, jumped out and shot.
                              The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is - Winston Churchill


                                Originally posted by Eagle In Ohio View Post
                                The video is out. The CPD made it sound like this was a defiant kid who ignored repeated requests to drop the gun. Watch the video, they rolled up on that kid and shot him before the patrol car stopped moving. Didn't use the bullhorn, didn't do anything like that. Just rolled up, jumped out and shot.

                                You're right, that vid was not what I was expecting after hearing the police version.

                                Not trying to detour the conversation on the shooting, but two things REALLY seem odd to me about that vid aside from how fast it went down.

                                First off, why would the officer driving pull the car into the park like that with his partners window right at kill shot level and close proximity if they thought the gun was real?

                                Also, not that it makes any difference, but in that vid the boy looks a LOT bigger/older than the pic that was distributed, just seems odd.

