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As universities break ties with Cosby,Temple remains mum.

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    Originally posted by Overbrook View Post
    This fucking idiot is way beyond saving.
    Okay, I've gotten that out. Get it? Gotten that out? Oh, I've got 400 million of them...

    Let's go watch FF fuck up another winnable game.



      Outstanding idea!

      Originally posted by Dim Bulb View Post
      Okay, I've gotten that out. Get it? Gotten that out? Oh, I've got 400 million of them...

      Let's go watch FF fuck up another winnable game.

      Omaha! Omaha!
      "It's not getting any smarter out there. You have to come to terms with stupidity, and make it work for you."


        What? The guy was looking for 20 year old semen. Maybe fleet week?
        "Listen to McCarthy" - Art Vandelay


          Originally posted by Iamthewalrus View Post
          It's not derision of all women to suggest that some women might have a motive to lie. It's not even specifically derision of women, you're the one that's making it about gender. Women and men can act like asshats if it's going to benefit them, it's called being human.

          You're the one that's more than willing to accept that the Cos is some inhuman monster, despite the fact that he's done a shitload of good for the community and has given off an air of decency for years. Hey, maybe you hate men and blacks.
          You specifically brought up feminists and putting the pussy on a pedestal in your post.

          I didn't bring up Cosby's sex or race in my statement. In fact, I argued that guilt in a court of law does not need to apply for the public to hold reasonable opinions.

          As for arguing that the public image of a celebrity should give them the benefit of the doubt when it comes to mulitple, significant allegations - how naive are you to think the public image of a celebrity necessarily has anything to do with their private actions. Cliff Huxtable doesn't exist.
          Your Retarded


            Originally posted by Iamthewalrus View Post
            You argue like a woman. Devoid of logic and instead appealing to whatever the prevailing opinion already is.
            Clearly you hold no derision towards women or men for that matter, unless they're faggots.
            Your Retarded


              Originally posted by Iamthewalrus View Post
              Like I said, the problem with you is that you can only conceive of women as victims, when the reality is they can be every bit as cold and calculating as a man, if not more.
              Uh huh. Even if I haven't made that point.

              You do seem to dislike women though or at least mistrust them. You clearly hold opinions about how they argue.

              Why do you assume they're lying. Is believing one Cosby really more reasonable that numerous, not a few, numerous women? It's a numbers game.
              Your Retarded


                Originally posted by Iamthewalrus View Post
                I believe a woman when she says a poor ugly man rapes her, otherwise I'm suspicious. That's just common sense.
                Common sense, why?

                Please expand as you seem to know so much, especially regarding the female thought process.

                What about faggots, though? Do looks/money matter for them when it comes to rape?
                Your Retarded


                  Originally posted by Iamthewalrus View Post
                  There's a reason God gives them aids, bro.
                  What about straight people with AIDS. Do only the women deserve it or the men as well?
                  Your Retarded


                    Originally posted by Iamthewalrus View Post
                    You're one of those dipshits that thinks words are inherently evil and that context doesn't matter, aren't you?

                    No offense to any dipshits reading this, you're truly a wonderful people that enrich our culture to no end.
                    In what context were you using the word "faggot" ?
                    Your Retarded



                      todays liberals would have lynched him if this was the 1800s...the amazing thing isn't that you thought that...your previous posts prove you are capable of such ignorance...but you actually typed it and posted it. Wow.
                      Officially awaiting Douchebagnacht II since
                      May 7, 2010


                        FIFTEEN! Son. FIFTEEN. That's an awful lot of sexual assault claims to give someone the benefit of the doubt.
                        Last edited by udontknowme; 11-30-2014, 11:51 PM.


                          I'm not the hill you want to die on



                            Originally posted by 91EaglesD View Post


                              I'm not the hill you want to die on

