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Attention Jews and gentiles

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  • Attention Jews and gentiles

    My last stop on my Jewish Book Council tour will be in Philly (Actually Penn Valley) this sunday at 1 pm. Talk and signing.

    This wont be my last local event, but it is the end of my formal relationship with JBC, a great experience and one I never expected when I wrote the book. I owe a lot to the JBC, Jewish Book World magazine and all the event promoters I had the pleasure to work with.

    If anyone's interested its at Temple Har Zion, 1500 Hagys Ford Rd, Penn Valley and you can call them at 610-667-5000.

    OK cant say you weren't warned!

    EDITED TO ADD: Hey, if you haven't already it would be great if you FaceNutzers would "Like" The Legend of Red Klotz page on Facebook. Also if we have any social media marketing mavens out there I am a rookie at this and would appreciate tapping your brains. PM me if you have skills in this are and want to help a brotha. Thanks.

    Last edited by Irish George; 04-22-2015, 08:23 AM.
    Officially awaiting Douchebagnacht II since
    May 7, 2010

  • #2

    What IS this???


    • #3

      Officially awaiting Douchebagnacht II since
      May 7, 2010


      • #4
        Fuck you going there for? Nobody will buy anything.
        Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


        • #5

          seriously, this has been one of the great experiences of my life. I only wish Red was still around to get the glory he deserves.
          Officially awaiting Douchebagnacht II since
          May 7, 2010


          • #6
            Are they doing your bris too?

            Originally posted by Irish George View Post
            My last stop on my Jewish Book Council tour will be in Philly (Actually Penn Valley) this sunday at 1 pm. Talk and signing.

            This wont be my last local event, but it is the end of my formal relationship with JBC, a great experience and one I never expected when I wrote the book. I owe a lot to the JBC, Jewish Book World magazine and all the event promoters I had the pleasure to work with.

            If anyone's interested its at Temple Har Zion, 1500 Hagys Ford Rd, Penn Valley and you can call them at 610-667-5000.

            OK cant say you weren't warned!

            EDITED TO ADD: Hey, if you haven't already it would be great if you FaceNutzers would "Like" The Legend of Red Klotz page on Facebook. Also if we have any social media marketing mavens out there I am a rookie at this and would appreciate tapping your brains. PM me if you have skills in this are and want to help a brotha. Thanks.

            Sorry man, no fagaycebook for me.
            "I could buy you." - The Village Idiot


            • #7
              absolutely! a public bris

              why else would they get $12 ($15 at the door!)
              Officially awaiting Douchebagnacht II since
              May 7, 2010


              • #8
                I went to a Jewish fundraising event once

                at Carnegie Hall, and piano man Michael Feinstein told this joke to a room full of Jews:

                Two Jewish guys are walking down the street and they see a sign on a Catholic church that reads: "CONVERT ... $1000"

                One guy says to the other: "A thousand bucks? Whaddya think?"

                Other guy says: "Are you nuts?"

                First guy says: "I'm gonna check it out" ... and he goes in.

                He comes out and the other guy asks him: "Did you convert?"

                First guy says: "Yeah"

                Other guy says: "Did they give you the thousand?"

                First guys says: "Is that all you people think about ... money?"

                Then Feinstein thanked everyone for their donations.
                Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


                • #9
                  and he threw in a "you people."

                  Officially awaiting Douchebagnacht II since
                  May 7, 2010

