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The Thin Blue Line.

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    You misunderstand me ... it appeared you knew PA law on this and I was asking if you knew whether deadly force by a police officer is permissible in a situation when the officer knew a perp shot a person in a parked car, the victim is still alive, and the perp is standing outside the car with a gun?

    Part 2: What if the officer wasn't sure the victim was alive?

    Part 3: What if the officer knew the victim was dead?

    All these questions are not for the purpose of supporting any side of the discussion here, but merely because they are interesting questions to me (and I assume RSE).
    Last edited by slag; 06-17-2015, 07:02 PM.
    Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


      at some point it's not one bad apple but the whole tree. Police acting as semi-Gods only happens in America and 3rd world countries.

      Cowboys last SB win is old enough to drink beer


        Originally posted by rdog5 View Post
        Cos shoots him and complaints of over zealous officers shooting is the complaint. Peaceful resolution means they were too light. Instead of making up story endings in your head that you have absolutely no knowledge of why not educate yourself. Go sit down with an officer and listen and learn about their perspective and police tactics. Realize that of over 700,000 officers in this country less than 1% are committing these act. That every cop wants a dirty cop put away. But also that workplace laws force some departments to keep guys. I personally have seen officers fired and after a lawsuit re-instated. Nobody wanted him back but he exploited the law in his favor.

        Keep living in your fantasy world where only your opinion matters. It is better to think you are right and stay uneducated then risk that the world is more complex than you can handle.
        I'd always prefer a peaceful resolution. What I'm not in favor of is a peaceful resolution just because the perp is a fellow cop.
        Your Retarded



          Originally posted by royal View Post
          at some point it's not one bad apple but the whole tree. Police acting as semi-Gods only happens in America and 3rd world countries.
          Over the past year, police brutality in the US has become a global concern, but the continued deaths at the hands of UK state officials have received far less attention. A new four-part series by Dan Glazebrook looks at police custody deaths in the UK.
          "I could buy you." - The Village Idiot


            How is that relevant to my questions?
            Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


              This is the problem

              Originally posted by rdog5 View Post
              Thats where investigation needs to take place to determine if their inaction caused the death of her.
              Cops get the investigation. Cops get the benefit of the doubt and the "let's not jump to conclusions without all the facts," even when the facts are already out in the open and paint a pretty clear picture. Regular citizens are rarely afforded those luxuries, which often mean a difference between life and death.

              And when they are found guilty, we get the "cops are human too" and "you can't do what they do" bullshit. It's disgusting.


                Originally posted by slag View Post
                You misunderstand me ... it appeared you knew PA law on this and I was asking if you knew whether deadly force by a police officer is permissible in a situation when the officer knew a perp shot a person in a parked car, the victim is still alive, and the perp is standing outside the car with a gun?

                Part 2: What if the officer wasn't sure the victim was alive?

                Part 3: What if the officer knew the victim was dead?

                All these questions are not for the purpose of supporting any side of the discussion here, but merely because they are interesting questions to me (and I assume RSE).
                Part 1- Lethal force authorized

                Part 2- Lethal force authorized

                Part 3: Lethal force not authorized (but without absolute positive evidence the occupant is dead and not just an assumption because they were shot multiple times and are not moving the officer should be assuming there is a chance at life)


                  Originally posted by ishimonster View Post
                  Cops get the investigation. Cops get the benefit of the doubt and the "let's not jump to conclusions without all the facts," even when the facts are already out in the open and paint a pretty clear picture. Regular citizens are rarely afforded those luxuries, which often mean a difference between life and death.

                  And when they are found guilty, we get the "cops are human too" and "you can't do what they do" bullshit. It's disgusting.
                  And you know this how? What you don't realize there are a massive amount of investigations performed every year and criminals walking around while probable cause is formed. Real life isn't an hour long TV show. Regular citizens everyday are afforded the same luxuries but it takes an open mind to educate yourself and its easier to be judgmental.

                  The major difference here in officer shootings is that officers s part of there everyday job may have to take a life. It is the most crucial decision you can make. I assume in your profession you don't have to make that type of split second decision. So when a shooting happens its not as simple as cop did wrong. It has to be determined did the officer have a legal right to be there, to engage the person, was the threat real, could he have retreated, etc. Then it extends further to is there reasonable doubt in a court of law. A rush to judgment similar to like you did here would also mean less ability to develop evidence to make a case stronger. I know you don't like it but honestly a cop is not treated any different then a homeowner who shoots a burglar in his residence. That homeowner has the reasonable assumption of being in the right unless evidence distates otherwise.


                    That was my thinking.
                    Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.

