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Now that the die has been cast........

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  • #61
    America: love it or leave it

    Sooooo original.
    Such depth of thought.
    John Erlichman, one of President Richard Nixon's closest aides, has admitted America's "War on Drugs" was a hoax designed to vilify and disrupt "the antiwar left and black people" when it was launched in 1971.


    • #62
      I believe there was an episode of Mr. Belvedere in the 80s that waded into this topic.
      -Slizz of Wangnutz


      • #63
        Yo BB........good to see you in print buddy

        You just brought up a huge bitch of mine; that being these stupid, very expensive fly overs for no good reason at all. (An ad for the fact the Us has military jets?)

        For so many years now, and what an amazing waste of money. In the language of the Iggles......."for who? For what?"

        It's even more relevant how wasteful this is with so much of the US suffering from weather disasters. Tough choice..........would you rather see some jets fly overhead or get some relief in trying to rebuild your life?
        "It's not getting any smarter out there. You have to come to terms with stupidity, and make it work for you."


        • #64
          Originally posted by Wangnuts View Post
          I Wrestled for psu. Doubt u wanna meet me pussy boy
          How many times were you penetrated?
          "If I was racist in my opinion of QB's, I wouldn't have a dog named Donovan." - downundermike


          • #65
            Quick hitters:
            - I support the right to symbolic protests
            - I also support the owners right to deny it
            - why do people, including Lurie, believe that the flag represents, or is symbolic of service people above and beyond all people? The flag represents all of us equally, IMO.
            - I hope one day personal accountability will become a core value in our society.
            I don't have money because I ...
            I'm a bigot nazi because I...
            I'm in jail because I...
            I didn't get the job because I...
            I have the clap because I...
            I what my kids to succeed, therefore I ...


            • #66
              Originally posted by Melchior View Post
              Oh. Here:

              I will take your journalistic evidence and raise you will a study conducted by a Harvard economics professor.

              VI. Conclusion
              The issue of police violence and its racial incidence has become one of the most divisive topics in American discourse. Emotions run the gamut from outrage to indifference. Yet, very little data exists to understand whether racial disparities in police use of force exist or might be explained by situational factors inherent in the complexity of police-civilian interactions. Beyond the lack of data, the analysis of police behavior is fraught with difficulty including, but not limited to, the reliability of the data that does exist and the fact that one cannot randomly assign race.


              Unfortunately the sensationalist media is feeding into a false narrative in order to kep the divisiveness. NFL players that want to make a real difference instead of showing defiance why not be the first to take a step forward and communicate their differences. They have a lobbying body that could get them an audience with leaders and show the power of communication. That is unless they are not willing to be challenged with their own message. The statistics simply do not support their case when you factor in additional variables.


              • #67


                ps - admins need to move this crap to the Lyme

