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"Tiger Puts Balls in Wrong Place Again"

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    PS - Your listing of what you state are the facts is wrong.

    PPS - My posts are unreadable to you because you're either stupid, don't know the rules of golf, or more likely both.
    Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


      Your constant stating of the obvious is putting people to sleep. The world knows he broke the rules. They know that ignorance of the rules is no excuse . They know that no one needs to tell a golfer the rules. He needs to know them and if he breaks them , he gets penalized. Now all that obvious mumbo jumbo that you have repeated in about 20 posts I just summed up in a couple of sentences. But you still miss the only point that matters.


        I got pissed off when you called me a buffoon and typed mad.

        I will now type not so mad.

        This is a complicated issue that you are trying to make simple.

        However, I'm not going to explain it again because you probably don't really care that much.
        Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


          I posted below that I typed mad and that you are trying to simplify a complicated issue.

          The most glaring mistake you continually make is that the stroke penalty for the bad drop is not the main issue ... signing the bad card is.

          Which is not simple when a rules committee decides to keep a particular player in a tournament for a reason that makes no sense, considering the facts.

          But, as you wrote, it's moot to the extent he didn't win ... but not if he had any interest in coming across as a stand up guy.
          Last edited by slag; 04-15-2013, 08:46 PM.
          Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


            It's not the facts that are in question. That's why I just don't get what you are trying to do here. It's up to the officials identify wrong doing if the player doesn't call it on himself. Woods didn't call it on himself because as the interview proves...he didn't know he did anything wrong. Not an excuse. A fact.
            You can have your opinion that signing an incorrect scorecard regardless of the reason should be grounds for a DQ.. And you have made comments about woods not being honest or not a stand up guy. And question whether he would have called it on himself if he knew. And that's where you go adrift and stray from reality. There is no reason to think that Tiger would be anything but upfront and honest Shan it comes to the game he plays.

            All the mistakes surrounding this incident were made by the officials. Tiger broke a rule. But the actions that followed that made this thing a debacle were done by others. All this crap about Tiger withdrawing and being a stand up guy comes from people who don't like him to begin with are just plain silly.


              If you sign a card that has the wrong score on it because you violated a rule that you are obligated to know, it makes no difference how it is discovered later.

              It's a DQ offense.

              The committee found out by Woods' interview ... and they should have DQ-ed him then.

              His ignorance of the rule caused him to sign a bad card.

              It's that simple ... until you bring in bullshit, irrelevant, phone call, prior ruling crap that the committee twisted into a reason to give him a do-over on the CARD.

              Woods' ignorance of the rule is the only reason the card was wrong. The failure by someone else to catch him before he signed it does not change that.

              Thus, he should have refused the bullshit do-over like a stand up guy.

              Got it?
              Last edited by slag; 04-15-2013, 09:58 PM.
              Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


                Bobby Jones penalized himself a stroke in the 1925 U.S. Open when he was the only person who saw his ball move. The stroke cost him an outright win of the Open, which he then lost in a 36-hole playoff. When interviewed about his sportsmanship, he said, "You might as well praise me for not robbing a bank."

                That's integrity. Letting others make excuses for you, when you know you're expected to take responsibility, is not. Tiger may be able to stand on the fact that the officials gave him a favorable ruling, but he's no Bobby Jones.
                - DEERSPINE GUY

                The classic Philly sports fan mindset. It's not right or wrong - it is what it is. Both a shame and a mantle of pride. Love and hate in constant turmoil.
                - Susquehanna Birder


                  Apparently it is not a DQ offense. If it was..he would have been out. And the most relevant part of this whole thing IS the phone call. It will be the story going forward. Not Woods.

                  Should unequal application of the rules be allowed? Should officials defer to TV fans? These are the relevant issues coming out of this. Not your dislike for Woods who is currently dropping his balls into a downhill racer.


                    Not that I don't disagree with the general integrity concept, but this situation did not involve a violation that a player recognized when it happened.

                    However, the reason a card was signed with the wrong score is only because of the player fucking up a rule he was under an obligation to know.

                    It was done was because he screwed up ... not the rules committee ... not the phone caller ... not the man in the fucking moon ... him.

                    And I think we agree that Bobby Jones, once he found out, would have declined if the rules committee tried to make up some bullshit to keep him in.
                    Last edited by slag; 04-15-2013, 10:33 PM.
                    Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


                      Rule 6-6d says, in relevant part: "The competitor is responsible for the correctness of the score recorded for each hole on his score card. If he returns a score for any hole lower than actually taken, he is disqualified."

                      The "actually taken" score on that hole was 2 strokes higher than recorded.

                      Rule 6-1 states: "The player and his caddie are responsible for knowing the Rules. During a stipulated round, for any breach of a Rule by his caddie, the player incurs the applicable penalty."

                      Woods didn't know the drop rule and, as a result, put the wrong score down without a stroke penalty.

                      The relatively new rule used by the committee says: "If the Committee is satisfied that the competitor could not reasonably have known or discovered the facts resulting in his breach of the Rules, it would be justified under Rule 33-7 in waiving the disqualification penalty prescribed by Rule 6-6d. The penalty stroke(s) associated with the breach would, however, be applied to the hole where the breach occurred."

                      Now you fucking tell me how, because the committee made a wrong decision on the drop, which decision Woods didn't know about when he signed the bad card, it was not reasonable for Woods to be held to the requirements of Rule 6-1, and why that DQ should have been waived.

                      It was a bullshit twisting by the committee and I'm convinced Woods knew it ... and he wasn't a stand up guy when he went along with it.
                      Last edited by slag; 04-15-2013, 10:35 PM.
                      Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


                        You have officially gone off the grid. Now you are going with a conspiracy theory. The officials twisted the rules and Woods went along with it. How bout this one. It would be better for you. They went to tell woods he was DQd. woods said you can't do that . I have sat nite dinner reservations at the Augusta Hooters. They say how bout a 2 stroke penalty?

                        Get some rest.


                          It's not a conspiracy theory.

                          They did not apply the rule correctly ... their reasons are subject to conjecture, but the fact is that the rule was twisted.

                          I'm not the only person with this opinion and none of us are conspiracy theorists.

                          And you, instead of answering the fucking question, try to make me look looney.

                          Swing and a miss.

                          As for what I stated about Woods, he missed an opportunity to do the right thing which I do not find surprising considering his previous track record.
                          Last edited by slag; 04-15-2013, 10:57 PM.
                          Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


                            List his previous track record on the course that leads you to say that he would cheat or be dishonest. He has been a pro for many years now. Tell us all the less than stand up guy things he has done when he plays that proves you have an ounce of credibility. The questionable person here isn't woods.


                              Ask his wife.
                              Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


                                That's what I figured. FAIL. Read the Bobby Jones Bio. He was boning everything he could catch.

