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Is it true? Do you remember where you were when JFK was shot?

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    Originally posted by Maniac View Post
    harls post seems to prove you wrong. hope you never have to find out.
    Harls just goggled that, it is different for every state, out here, your shit outta luck. IN fact, before I could even apply for ANY kind of assistance I would have to lose or liquidate most of my assets, after I would get DOWN to that level I could apply for welfare.

    If you don't believe me, look into it yourself, or ask IE, he said he was self-employed before, he would know if you could collect un-employment.


      Originally posted by Maniac View Post
      fine line but you can influence without dictating.

      definitely bring back the troops. brute force doesn't work well anymore.
      Agreed but how many countries that we have troops in are we welcome in? Take Afghanistan. Our media is spinning it that they want our security there to train and help keep the taliban out. But they are going to charge us taxes for us to be able to have our troops there. IMO unless something is going on where we need to be there we shouldn't be there.

      If you want to get rid of the hatred for the US stop killing peoples parents, children, brothers and sisters in these countries. Take a quarter of the money you spend to do that currently and help these people out. Build wells for clean drinking water put a plaque up saying it is brought to your friends the USA.

      As long as our answer is violence we will continue to create more enemies. And sadly as long as the military industrial complex is allowed to pay our poloticians off nothing will change.


        Small Business >
        Human Resources >
        Self Employed Health Insurance

        Can Self-Employed People Get Unemployment Benefits?
        by Amanda McMullen, Demand Media

        Being self-employed can have many advantages, including a flexible work schedule, autonomy and less company politics. However, you may wonder what happens when a self-employed individual loses his job. In most cases, self-employed workers won't qualify for unemployment insurance benefits but other financial assistance programs may be available.

        About Self-Employment

        A self-employed individual is someone who works for himself, rather than for another individual or organization. Self-employed people are typically independent contractors or owners of unincorporated businesses. If you are self-employed, the Internal Revenue Service requires you to pay self-employment tax, which covers Medicare and Social Security payments. You must also pay income tax. However, you won't typically pay unemployment insurance tax.

        (This all depends on how your corporations or small business is set up)

        Unemployment Implications

        To qualify for unemployment insurance benefits, you must be out of work through no fault of your own, and you must be actively looking for employment. You must also have earned a minimum amount of wages for which your employer paid unemployment insurance tax. If you are a self-employed worker, you have no employer, and you don't pay unemployment tax yourself, so you won't typically qualify for unemployment insurance benefits.
        Last edited by Eagle Road; 11-24-2013, 12:02 AM.


          Originally posted by Eagle Road View Post
          Harls just goggled that, it is different for every state, out here, your shit outta luck. IN fact, before I could even apply for ANY kind of assistance I would have to lose or liquidate most of my assets, after I would get DOWN to that level I could apply for welfare.

          If you don't believe me, look into it yourself, or ask IE, he said he was self-employed before, he would know if you could collect un-employment.
          So you are blaming federal government for state government issues?


            Originally posted by Eagle Road View Post
            Small Business >
            Human Resources >
            Self Employed Health Insurance

            Can Self-Employed People Get Unemployment Benefits?
            by Amanda McMullen, Demand Media

            Being self-employed can have many advantages, including a flexible work schedule, autonomy and less company politics. However, you may wonder what happens when a self-employed individual loses his job. In most cases, self-employed workers won't qualify for unemployment insurance benefits but other financial assistance programs may be available.

            About Self-Employment

            A self-employed individual is someone who works for himself, rather than for another individual or organization. Self-employed people are typically independent contractors or owners of unincorporated businesses. If you are self-employed, the Internal Revenue Service requires you to pay self-employment tax, which covers Medicare and Social Security payments. You must also pay income tax. However, you won't typically pay unemployment insurance tax.

            (This all depends on how your corporations or small business is set up)

            Unemployment Implications

            To qualify for unemployment insurance benefits, you must be out of work through no fault of your own, and you must be actively looking for employment. You must also have earned a minimum amount of wages for which your employer paid unemployment insurance tax. If you are a self-employed worker, you have no employer, and you don't pay unemployment tax yourself, so you won't typically qualify for unemployment insurance benefits.
            So why are you paying unemplyment tax?


              Originally posted by harls View Post
              So you are blaming federal government for state government issues?
              Not at all, but different states handle assistance and welfare differently, as far as un-employment benefits being self-employed, you can not collect, how any assistance would be handled would depend on the state, two different questions.


                Originally posted by harls View Post
                So why are you paying unemplyment tax?
                Because of the way we are set-up, sub chapter S.


                  You guys all have a great Thanksgiving, I'm going to bed, have to be on the road early tom. and won't be back until Thurs.


                    Originally Posted by harls View Post
                    I agree and it is done daily. But alot of the ACA is blown out of proportion. Did Obama say you could keep your policy? yes. But anyone with a brain could figure out if the Employer dropped or changed your policy you would not be able to keep it. The same it always has been.

                    There is plenty to hate about Obama. He has told plenty of lies. But as I have explained to many people focusing on places he misspoke (you can keep your insurance, should have been you can keep your insurance as long as your employer chooses to stay with the same policy) or the things like he is kenyan or muslim, is a mistake. We should focus on actual lies he has spewed and the evil acts he has perpetrated.
                    Originally posted by Eagle Road View Post
                    Harls, you misunderstand, I am self employed, have been since I was 21 years old, I have ALWAYS paid my own way, I have never had an employer benefit of any kind, hell even thou I pay into unemployment every damn week, you do realize I can't collect ONE DAMN DAY of unemployment, I'm not entitled to it.

                    I have NEVER gotten an unemployment check, a welfare check, or food stamps, but IE think I want a free ride, go figure.
                    The fact that the conversation was about Obama and ACA and you complain about not being able to get unemployment implies that you are blaming Obama when he has nothing to do with it.


                      You mean you've never NEEDED welfare, unemployment or food stamps. That's great. You've had a good health plan for many, many years. That's nice too. Sounds like you have had it, and will continue to have it, pretty good compared to many people. What are you complaining about again?
                      "Listen to McCarthy" - Art Vandelay


                        I guess he killed some dogs and then reiterrated he'd respect you in the morning

                        Originally posted by harls View Post
                        There is plenty to hate about Obama. He has told plenty of lies. We should focus on actual lies he has spewed and the evil acts he has perpetrated.
                        DUDE, YOU ARE SO FUCKING PREDICTABLE ...


                          Here you go

                          Originally posted by Eagle Road View Post
                          Nope, can't collect one dime of what I have paid in all these years, There are a LOT of things like this that people who have never been self-employed don't understand.

                          Believe me, when your name is on the door, and you are writing the checks, everything changes.
                          If he gets a W-2 he can collect unemployment otherwise he is not legally considered an employee and therefore not eligible for unemployment benefits. It also means he did not contribute to the unemployment funding on his behalf and therefore should not get these benefits. I consider any form of debt relief as welfare in reality. SOME business owners run personal expenses thru their businesses and hide income from the IRS (as if it's a god given right of all businessmen LOL). Again SOME do. At times I wonder if not for these opportunities, would these people be employees like most of us ? A lot of these guys just can't stand working for anybody which I can definitely relate to that.


                            Originally posted by da guy in france View Post
                            DUDE, YOU ARE SO FUCKING PREDICTABLE ...
                            No, how about promising to close Guantanamo bay. Failing to do so and more over failing to release the people who are falsely improsoned there?

                            How about signing protections for GMO to protect the monsantos and duponts from any legal action for killing us.

                            How about the lies of getting our troops home?

                            To me these are the kind of things we should be focusing on. In many ways he stayed the course as GW .


                              Originally posted by da guy in france View Post
                              DUDE, YOU ARE SO FUCKING PREDICTABLE ...
                              And you are right I am predictable I despise killing and abuse. I am sorry I am not as unpredictable as you and condone these things if they are perpetrated by someone on my team (eagles, democrats)


                                OK my apologies

                                Originally posted by harls View Post
                                And you are right I am predictable I despise killing and abuse. I am sorry I am not as unpredictable as you and condone these things if they are perpetrated by someone on my team (eagles, democrats)
                                Relatively speaking they, Bush and Obama are like night and day but from afar they are just part of the same OL' I do agree but you gotta get real. What can you do ? Obama is trying to close Guantanamo but republicans are fighting it. Standby !!! We are pretty much out of Iraq which he was one of the very, very few to oppose that war and getting there in Afghanistan. It's not like a light switch man.

                                Anyways just was tired of your anti-Vick diatribe and vitriol and figured you were heading down the same path about Obama. There is no denying that a lot of the hate of Vick and Obama is racially based but no denying that there are a few exceptions.

                                BYE WEEK BOREDOM

