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    True, however all car fatalities declined by 25% over the same period

    Suggesting that increased safety features in cars is at least half responsible for the decline, and not simply more laws against drunk driving.

    btw, same trend with gun violence

    "I could buy you." - The Village Idiot


      Originally posted by Riccardo View Post
      Suggesting that increased safety features in cars is at least half responsible for the decline, and not simply more laws against drunk driving.

      btw, same trend with gun violence
      So your point is .... that stricter laws still appear to have curbed drunken driving related deaths?

      On another note.

      A closer look at gun laws in America in the wake of recent shootings, prompting calls for reform.

      Your Retarded


        WE BEAT MEXICO!!!



          Originally posted by Big Little View Post
          WE BEAT MEXICO!!!

          If you look at the trend the US is pretty much on par (slightly above) the linear fit of the data including OECD countries in terms of deaths per gun.

          The data would suggest that US behavior really only differs in the amount of guns that people have per capita rather than other cultural issues like less homogeneity of populations, urban violence, etc.

          We have a culture that loves guns and as a result we have more people dying due to them.
          Your Retarded



            Originally posted by TerpEagle View Post
            We have a culture that loves guns and as a result we have more people dying due to them.
            This is what I don't get. I get having guns for hunting, by all means people hunt away, if you didn't then deer would cause more accidents a year, most likely, then drinking and driving.

            But the hand guns, assault weapons, and the unnecessary amounts of ammo I will never understand.

            I was SRT (Army SWAT) for 4 years while in, shot all types of weapons and rounds down range. Haven't shot a gun since '04 when I got of the Army. Point being I just don't understand this country's gun lust.

            Is it due to Old Westerns? The scary media? Really I don't get it


              Gun Nutz have no sense. Stop trying to make the case. They'll all be dead one day. 'til then, hang in there. Gun restrictions will happen. It's inevitable.

              A few more generations.


                Well duh, of course

                Along with technological advances. A similar strategy is appropriate for guns - more universal gun control laws (which I've always advocated) along with better/more use of safety features such as trigger locks, safes, smart trigger technologies, etc.
                "I could buy you." - The Village Idiot


                  Originally posted by Riccardo View Post
                  Along with technological advances. A similar strategy is appropriate for guns - more universal gun control laws (which I've always advocated) along with better/more use of safety features such as trigger locks, safes, smart trigger technologies, etc.
                  It's more a cultural issue. For whatever historical/cultural/societal reason Americans are more prone to wanting guns. We're not really any more dangerous with them than the people living in other highly developed countries. We just have more and I opine that's because we think we need to have them.

                  Perhaps it's because BIG GUN tells us we need to have them to be safe. Perhaps it's that our history is rooted in armed revolution, western frontier expansion and a larger military force.

                  Regardless of the reasons why we "need" to have guns, the shear number of them are the primary reason there are so many deaths by them.
                  Your Retarded


                    Originally posted by The Ref View Post
                    Gun Nutz have no sense. Stop trying to make the case. They'll all be dead one day. 'til then, hang in there. Gun restrictions will happen. It's inevitable.

                    A few more generations.
                    It's not just about restrictions. The though of restrictions helps drive the demand and lust for them.

                    The lust for guns is the real underlying issue in this country.
                    Your Retarded


                      Originally posted by TerpEagle View Post
                      Perhaps it's because BIG GUN tells us we need to have them to be safe. Perhaps it's that our history is rooted in armed revolution, western frontier expansion and a larger military force.
                      The MIC has done very well by always having a boogeyman to be afraid of; therefore justifying the need for a bigger military. Fear.
                      Russians, Taliban, China, Iraq whatever

                      Gun industry is just following a tried & true method: create the boogeyman and then sell the stuff needed to keep the boogeyman away.

                      Fear is a primal feeling that can and will usurp the higher brain functions when stressed. Makes perfect sense; when its time for fight or flight, you don't need logic.
                      I saw some very cool stuff on the show Brain Games and they talked about how the marketers and political pundits learned that if they had to combat Reason, it was going to be a long uphill climb and they'd lose about 50% of the time

                      By tapping into the more primal parts of the brain; they get past the Logic and their win rate skyrockets. Lust is another of the primal brain functions and its remarkably astute that you chose that term to describe the gun fascination in America

                      Last edited by PackWest; 01-17-2014, 05:51 PM.


                        Originally posted by TerpEagle View Post
                        It's not just about restrictions. The though of restrictions helps drive the demand and lust for them.

                        The lust for guns is the real underlying issue in this country.

                        Terp, although I understand what you are saying, in all honesty do you think that these cases with young kids shooting other people is attributed to "lust" I see it as more of an outcry, or anger triggered response?


                          Lust brings increased availability
                          Anger brings regrettable action

                          Take away the lust, limit the availability
                          People still get pissed, but throw popcorn instead.


                            Philly School Shooting

                            Delaware Valley Charter HS - Logan section

                            Police arrested a suspect after two students were shot Friday afternoon at the Delaware Valley Charter High School in North Philadelphia.


                              Agree it's our culture, and it's not just guns

                              violence in general. Maybe because our country was born out of violence, split in half and came back through violence, expanded through violence. Our TV shows, movies and games are filled with violence.
                              "I could buy you." - The Village Idiot


                                Originally posted by Riccardo View Post
                                violence in general. Maybe because our country was born out of violence, split in half and came back through violence, expanded through violence. Our TV shows, movies and games are filled with violence.
                                What are you talking about? We have the same number of deaths per guns owned as other developed countries. We just have A LOT more guns, therefore a lot more deaths.

                                That has nothing to do with TV shows and movies which are available around the rest of the world.
                                Your Retarded

