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Villanova coach Jay Wright is an asshole

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    Scottie Reynolds could ball. Never had a chance to make it in the NBA though.

    Didn't Corey Fisher get his GF pregnant?


      Originally posted by Irish George View Post
      ...its kinda funny coming from the guy who came all the way down to Ocean City to check out the Russian deli chick I posted about. That wasn't a sniff it was an inhale.
      That's a true 4th quarter desperation Hail Mary if I've ever heard of one, pun intended
      I'm not the hill you want to die on


        Regarding the jock sniffing comment, I independently thought the same thing for what its worth. Especially calling out people with the beta thread. That had Diggle sniffing all over it, but its probably a coincidence since all of this sniffing would make you and Rothdawg betas... and we know that's bullshit!

