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OT : FUCK the police

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    Passerby with an intimidating appearing dog ??

    Originally posted by rdog5 View Post

    Why is it so easy for you to sit back and judge what the proper reaction would be in a reactionary situation. The people there don't have the luxury of reviewing a video and thinking through as to what the possible outcomes would be. Whats also alarming is the lack of judgement on the part of the dog owner.

    1. Why is he choosing to become involved in a situation which doesn't involve him?
    2. Why is his involvement to be challenging instead of document his concerns and take appropriate steps to portray them through police complaint, news outlets, or lawyer?
    3. When police are at a stressful situation and challenged by a passer-by who has an intimidating appearing dog, why doesnt the owner assess that he is perceived as a threat and therefore remove himself like so many think George Zimmerman should have?
    4. If he had any idea that he was going to place the dog in the vehicle and then re-engage with the officers, why didn't he secure the dog in a method where it couldn't escape and become a threat to people around him?
    5. Why place yourself in a position where you will be potentially arrested if you don't have a method to care for your dog? Placing the dog in the car during your arrest surely leaves a potential hazard for all around after the arrest occurs.

    Watching the video I think it is sad and heart breaking to watch an animal get shot and suffer. None of us are in that circumstance and really know how we would react but the dog appears capable of causing serious bodily injury to people and was moving toward people who would be at risk. The officer does not need to get bit in order to take action.

    So sit back and judge because thats the easiest thing to do. But next time some guy cuts you off on the road or someone steals your property or a family member gets killed by a drunk driver, don't call the police or complain that they should have done more because you said "Fuck Cops". You apparently will never have any need for cops in your life. Funny thing in my career is those who most hate the cops are the ones that draw the most attention to themselves and also the ones who whine when they call us to help them.
    The guy was one of about 5 people all recording. He put his dog in the car when police decided they needed to approach HIM. He didn't go up to the officers, and he wasn't threatening them, so why the need to cuff him ? Also, the officer is reaching for the leash of a Rottweiler who's clearly agitated because his master is in handcuffs ?? The officer went too far, and I know that you have to stick up for your fellow officers, because that's what you guys do, but he was wrong in this case.
    The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is - Winston Churchill


      What he did is common out here. The LAPD is the most morally ambiguous force in the nation. A lot of them are good officers, but the culture leans toward thuggery and assholery first.

      More importantly, this is the sort of thing we would see more often if the nation had more lenient conceal and carry firearm laws for private citizens.


        Eagle in Ohio

        Am I to assume that since you are an Eagle fan that you are the thug that the National Media portrays all Philadelphia fans to be? Everytime something goes wrong they pile on about the negativity in Philadelphia fandom.

        You in turn feel the need to judge my motives or actions without even the slightest knowledge of who I am or what I am about. Its the same as judging someone based on wearing a hoodie as a criminal or that drives an older car as poor. Get away from the generalized judgements and open up to see each person as they are. There are good and bad cops and I don't see a need to defend bad cops. If you look in this circumstance I didn't defend the police officers actions but stated reasons why this whole situation was easily avoidable and the male who got arrested has to assume some of the blame.

        I would assume that any large dog is capable of inflicting serious bosily injury on someone. When you bring an element into a hostile envrionment and that element cannot be reasoned with and does not listen to verbal commands then an alternative action needs to be taken to minimize its effect. I don't judge these officers in this instance because honestly I don't have all the facts. Facts are something you should want to have prior to making judgements because often times video alone can be deceiving. Did you happen to notice that this video was edited? Don't say that to allege any wrongdoing as it might have been editted to make it shorter getting rid of unnecessary footage.

        Let me pose a hypothetical situation here:
        The officers are on a call where they are closing in on the capture of armed robbers. This is a heightened sense of alert and stress where there is concern for officer safety and community safety as bullets can travel quite a distance. As they are confronting the armed subjects they are engaged from behind by a male subject yelling at them. They now have to be concerned for his safety and ask him to disperse which he fails to do. So now the officers have to concern themselves with both threats. Subsequently upon taking the subject into custody, the dog comes at them.

        Even as the video shows a horrific sight, when a jury of his peers are presented with these facts as well as the actions that the arrested subject could have taken to avoid the entire incident, they may very well decide his actions were justified.

        I don't know if the officers are right or wrong and am not in the business of defending anyone when I don't have all the facts. What I do know is that most of these situations are easily avoidable with common sense.


          Originally posted by The Ref View Post
          What he did is common out here. The LAPD is the most morally ambiguous force in the nation. A lot of them are good officers, but the culture leans toward thuggery and assholery first.

          More importantly, this is the sort of thing we would see more often if the nation had more lenient conceal and carry firearm laws for private citizens.
          I thought we had to worry about lone wolves - nothing to fear from the gubmint


            Originally posted by Eagle In Ohio View Post

            Chip- "Dave...I'm gonna race him."

            Dave- " (hits the joint), Well ninja, sometimes you gotta race...I don't know."
            500 internet fights, that's the number I figured when I first joined igglephans. 500 internet fights and you could consider yourself a legitimate internet-tough guy. You need them for experience, to develop leather skin. So I got started. Of course along the way you stop thinking about being tough and all that. It stops being the point. You get past the silliness of it all. But realize that's what you are.



              I'm sure that you're a good guy and the majority of cops aren't assholes. Still, in my experience with SoCal cops that hasn't been the case. Anyway, the guy was completely within his rights to record the cops and make sure that they were respecting the rights of the guy they arrested because he himself had been a victim of excessive force and police brutality from the same PD. Secondly, the police had ample time to react to the situation; the dog only walked up to them. Moreover, lethal force was unnecessary and should have been a last resort as a taser or even baton would have sufficed. The owner is screaming that the dog is harmless and not to shoot, but they go ahead and do it anyway for no reason and dog squirms on the ground, bleeding out in extreme agony in front of his owner. Fuck the police. I'm sorry, but in this situatiom you cannot defend their actions at all. The entire country is mad for a reason, and thankfully it's all in the video.



                Originally posted by rdog5 View Post
                Am I to assume that since you are an Eagle fan that you are the thug that the National Media portrays all Philadelphia fans to be? Everytime something goes wrong they pile on about the negativity in Philadelphia fandom.

                You in turn feel the need to judge my motives or actions without even the slightest knowledge of who I am or what I am about. Its the same as judging someone based on wearing a hoodie as a criminal or that drives an older car as poor. Get away from the generalized judgements and open up to see each person as they are. There are good and bad cops and I don't see a need to defend bad cops. If you look in this circumstance I didn't defend the police officers actions but stated reasons why this whole situation was easily avoidable and the male who got arrested has to assume some of the blame.

                I would assume that any large dog is capable of inflicting serious bosily injury on someone. When you bring an element into a hostile envrionment and that element cannot be reasoned with and does not listen to verbal commands then an alternative action needs to be taken to minimize its effect. I don't judge these officers in this instance because honestly I don't have all the facts. Facts are something you should want to have prior to making judgements because often times video alone can be deceiving. Did you happen to notice that this video was edited? Don't say that to allege any wrongdoing as it might have been editted to make it shorter getting rid of unnecessary footage.

                Let me pose a hypothetical situation here:
                The officers are on a call where they are closing in on the capture of armed robbers. This is a heightened sense of alert and stress where there is concern for officer safety and community safety as bullets can travel quite a distance. As they are confronting the armed subjects they are engaged from behind by a male subject yelling at them. They now have to be concerned for his safety and ask him to disperse which he fails to do. So now the officers have to concern themselves with both threats. Subsequently upon taking the subject into custody, the dog comes at them.

                Even as the video shows a horrific sight, when a jury of his peers are presented with these facts as well as the actions that the arrested subject could have taken to avoid the entire incident, they may very well decide his actions were justified.

                I don't know if the officers are right or wrong and am not in the business of defending anyone when I don't have all the facts. What I do know is that most of these situations are easily avoidable with common sense.
                Maybe lumping you in with the cops that are abusive pieces of garbage is wrong, but my point still stands. The cop went too far. There's nothing deceiving about the video. They handcuffed the guy for no reason, and then the man's dog was doing what it instinctively does, try and protect it's master, and the cop reaches for the dog's leash when it's already clearly agitated, and uses lethal force from the jump. no nightstick, no taser, he goes straight for the gun. No deception in that video, just a trigger happy cop who should be off of the streets.
                The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is - Winston Churchill


                  Oh for fucks sake, quit crying.

                  Nearly everyone knows the cops have a tough job. Nearly everyone is thankful for what they do and appreciate them.

                  But when cops are morons, they need to be weeded out. Not protected. And the old "Then don't come calling us when you have problems if you're going to criticize us" is just plain bullshit.

                  Now, isn't it about time the other bored FOP member chimes in, or did Diggle chase him away?
                  John Erlichman, one of President Richard Nixon's closest aides, has admitted America's "War on Drugs" was a hoax designed to vilify and disrupt "the antiwar left and black people" when it was launched in 1971.


                    I would never want to live in a country where the only people who were allowed to own firearms were the cops.


                      Originally posted by Loki View Post
                      Nearly everyone knows the cops have a tough job. Nearly everyone is thankful for what they do and appreciate them.

                      But when cops are morons, they need to be weeded out. Not protected. And the old "Then don't come calling us when you have problems if you're going to criticize us" is just plain bullshit.

                      Now, isn't it about time the other bored FOP member chimes in, or did Diggle chase him away?

                      Your comments are epidemic of a greater problem. You respond to the one statement that jumps out at you and forget the details. I have never protected bad cops or cried as you put it. Quite simply the comment I responded to was "fuck cops". He made no distinction between good or bad but lumped them all together. As such he painted all cops with a broad brush and I responded that if that's his feeling towards all police then he shouldn't count on them when bad things occur.

                      I also never said how bad we have it or preached for respect or any other gestures. I simply pointed out all the facts are not available and this whole thing could have been avoided if the dog owner had displayed common sense also. I did not exonerate or convict the cops because I don't have all the facts. I don't quickly judge and try to make informed decisions. So no crying here but I also understand I won't sway the opinions of those who are quick to judge either.


                        Originally posted by rdog5 View Post

                        Your comments are epidemic of a greater problem. You respond to the one statement that jumps out at you and forget the details. I have never protected bad cops or cried as you put it. Quite simply the comment I responded to was "fuck cops". He made no distinction between good or bad but lumped them all together. As such he painted all cops with a broad brush and I responded that if that's his feeling towards all police then he shouldn't count on them when bad things occur.

                        I also never said how bad we have it or preached for respect or any other gestures. I simply pointed out all the facts are not available and this whole thing could have been avoided if the dog owner had displayed common sense also. I did not exonerate or convict the cops because I don't have all the facts. I don't quickly judge and try to make informed decisions. So no crying here but I also understand I won't sway the opinions of those who are quick to judge either.
                        I could agree with you to a point about the OP thread("Fuck the Cops") title, but I am still trying to figure out where was the guy interfering with cops? This is where you lost me because you agreed that he had.


                          Maybe because of your portrayal of the victim a criminal.

                          FWB is an arrestable offense?

                          Filming While Black....nice.
                          John Erlichman, one of President Richard Nixon's closest aides, has admitted America's "War on Drugs" was a hoax designed to vilify and disrupt "the antiwar left and black people" when it was launched in 1971.


                            Originally posted by Loki View Post
                            FWB is an arrestable offense?

                            Filming While Black....nice.
                            Please go back and quote where I said that?


                              Originally posted by wynnron123 View Post
                              I could agree with you to a point about the OP thread("Fuck the Cops") title, but I am still trying to figure out where was the guy interfering with cops? This is where you lost me because you agreed that he had.
                              The police were there because they were in pursuit of armed robbers. I am not party to the whole incident just te period we see on video. If he was asked to disperse because he was in a potentially dangerous location and did not move there is the potential that he could be arrested. I see no other report of the person who posted the video being arrested so therefore I assume simply videoing them is not the issue. But if I am keeping an eye on an armed robber the last thing I would want is to worry about some sort of threat no matter how minor from behind. Let me ask you this why did he put his dog away and return and place his hands behind his back so casually. Is it possible he was told to leave the location and if he refused he would be arrested? All I can say is we don't have all the facts so we can't really judge. Even my suggested alternative are only suppositions and nothing more so no need for anyone to say I am defending anyone.


                                Originally posted by rdog5 View Post
                                Am I to assume that since you are an Eagle fan that you are the thug that the National Media portrays all Philadelphia fans to be? Everytime something goes wrong they pile on about the negativity in Philadelphia fandom.

                                You in turn feel the need to judge my motives or actions without even the slightest knowledge of who I am or what I am about. Its the same as judging someone based on wearing a hoodie as a criminal or that drives an older car as poor. Get away from the generalized judgements and open up to see each person as they are.
                                Someone on Igglephans lumped someone into a category and judged them from their high horse with generalizations? I FIND THIS COMPLETELY SHOCKING AND OUT OF THE NORM!

