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OT : FUCK the police

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    "Listen to McCarthy" - Art Vandelay


      I'm thinking Loki probably aimed his last comment towards me, still here and posting at the same rate I always have...infrequently. Didn't chime in because I dont have a very strong opinion..seems pretty basic to me. The guy put himself into a very dangerous situation when the police were involved with an armed robbery suspect...didn't comply with requests to stay back from a hectic scene and was arrested. Some may not agree, but with what little footage there is it seems warranted. The guy is a shitty dog owner and should have never put the poor dog in that situation. The dog got loose, got protective, and showed some aggresion toward the officer. He made a quick descision to shoot, which personally I think was probably premature. I try not to Monday morning quarterback to much because it happens fast and stuff probably went through his mind, including the loose dog possibly being aggresive with other officers or the people hanging around the area. Overall both men could have probably avoided the situation, but the shitty owner is the one who directly caused it and should feel just as bad as anyone else.


        Here's my two's the Fourth, I'm drunk, I came to Igglephans, I watched the original video which made me really depressed, I watched the Chappelle video(for the thousandth time) which made me happy and then I saw everyone else wrote a novel and ignored the rest

        I don't know what Igglephan's argument was the best but I do know it's not a better argument than "'s the goddamn cops *smokes more good shit* I'm gonna ask him for directions"


          Momma always said... Don't hang on a corner with a rotweiller and taunt police officers in the line of duty, son.

          Not unless you want to see your dog get capped and your ass hauled off to jail.


            Originally posted by Sect 236 View Post
            I don't know what Igglephan's argument was the best but I do know it's not a better argument than "'s the goddamn cops *smokes more good shit* I'm gonna ask him for directions"


              How about the ATF agents swarming 2 UV students for buying water and cookie dough. Lame ATF agents thought they were underage and bought a 12 pack. You can read the whole disgusting story on Drudge.


                Originally posted by noguano View Post
                How about the ATF agents swarming 2 UV students for buying water and cookie dough. Lame ATF agents thought they were underage and bought a 12 pack. You can read the whole disgusting story on Drudge.
                They were not Federal ATF agents. They were agents from the state of Virginia. VA Alcoholic Beverage control.

                Nothing to do whatsoever with firearms. And nothing to do with the feds. I agree it's a sad story but I get sick of misinformed people regurgitating incorrect information.

                "Drudge" is about the biggest misrepresent-er of news out there these days. His group writes misleading headlines that try to keep the rubes agitated. Also specializes in race baiting and pitting working people against each other.

                Good grief, that whole propaganda organization may be more responsible for leading the country down the path you hate than anyone else.
                "We choose to go to the moon."


                  Originally posted by noguano View Post
                  How about the ATF agents swarming 2 UV students for buying water and cookie dough. Lame ATF agents thought they were underage and bought a 12 pack. You can read the whole disgusting story on Drudge.
                  Not the ATF but Virginia Alcohol Beverage Control. Not that it matters as it appears on the surface they didn't use proper tactics especially considering the level of violation they were investigating. But just want to make sure the right agency is mentioned.


                    Originally posted by rdog5 View Post
                    Not the ATF but Virginia Alcohol Beverage Control. Not that it matters as it appears on the surface they didn't use proper tactics especially considering the level of violation they were investigating. But just want to make sure the right agency is mentioned.
                    Actually, I think it does matter on some level because some people seem to have a vested interest in agitating people against federal agencies. But I agree they f*cked up completely.
                    "We choose to go to the moon."


                      Originally posted by RSE View Post
                      I would never want to live in a country where the only people who were allowed to own firearms were the cops.

                      Do you honestly think your little cap pistol is going to be able to fight off even the smallest po dunk town police force?

                      Jezuz, people have pea brains. Your guns, even if you had hundreds of them with dozens of gun toting buddies, are no match for SWAT. Even the most modest SWAT force in the world. Go watch some video of of Waco.

                      Unless you plan on shooting individual police officers. Maybe you do plan that. I don't know you. But I do know you gun nuts cum in your pants at the thought of killing people.


                        Originally posted by noguano View Post
                        How about the ATF agents swarming 2 UV students for buying water and cookie dough. Lame ATF agents thought they were underage and bought a 12 pack. You can read the whole disgusting story on Drudge.
                        Good lord! Drudge? You people have no idea that you live in a bubble where real news and information can gain no entry.



                          Originally posted by The Ref View Post

                          Do you honestly think your little cap pistol is going to be able to fight off even the smallest po dunk town police force?

                          Jezuz, people have pea brains. Your guns, even if you had hundreds of them with dozens of gun toting buddies, are no match for SWAT. Even the most modest SWAT force in the world. Go watch some video of of Waco.

                          Unless you plan on shooting individual police officers. Maybe you do plan that. I don't know you. But I do know you gun nuts cum in your pants at the thought of killing people.
                          lone wolf or he stands no chance?


                            Originally posted by Sect 236 View Post
                            Here's my two's the Fourth, I'm drunk, I came to Igglephans, I watched the original video which made me really depressed, I watched the Chappelle video(for the thousandth time) which made me happy and then I saw everyone else wrote a novel and ignored the rest

                            I don't know what Igglephan's argument was the best but I do know it's not a better argument than "'s the goddamn cops *smokes more good shit* I'm gonna ask him for directions"

                            I agree with this.
                            500 internet fights, that's the number I figured when I first joined igglephans. 500 internet fights and you could consider yourself a legitimate internet-tough guy. You need them for experience, to develop leather skin. So I got started. Of course along the way you stop thinking about being tough and all that. It stops being the point. You get past the silliness of it all. But realize that's what you are.


                              I read about 10 media sites every fucking day, including that one ... and the Village Voice, the NY Times, Philadelphia papers, NY Post, etc etc ect.

                              Drudge does nothing but link to other media.

                              And just because some guy here mischaracterized what an article stated, doesn't mean Drudge did it.

                              Now go back to your fucking bubble.
                              Last edited by slag; 07-05-2013, 09:32 PM. Reason: be nicer
                              Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.


                                I disagree about Drudge ... if you have half a brain, you read the article that it links to and make you own conclusions.

                                And I read that particular article before this guy posted a reference to it ... the headline stated something about the over-militarization of the police and linked to an article that correctly identified the agents who were engaged in that action.
                                Last edited by slag; 07-05-2013, 09:31 PM.
                                Obscenity is the last refuge of an inarticulate motherfucker.

